Chapter 3 Bob Robinson's Case

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Bobs case will start in one week.
All the people in Maycomb know that
Atticus is going to defend a black man
bob Robinson is going to be put in the
Police station. A group of people come to watch Atticus. They tell him that racist white people will go to the police
Station and may kill Bob Robinson before his trail begins. Atticus tells them not to worry. In the evening he goes to the police station. There are a group of racist men outside the police station. One of them Is a man name David West. They want to kill Bob
Robinson. When the men see Atticus
They go away. The trial of Bob Robinson begins. He is accused of raping a white lady name Mayella
Ewell. The first person to give evidence is Sheriff Tate. He tells the judge that he was called him because
He said that his daughter had been raped by Bob Robison. The next person to give evidence is Rumple Ewell. He said that Bob Robinson
Raped his daughter. Atticus asks Rumple Ewell why didn't he call a doctor after his daughter had been
Attacked. He replied that it was clear
That she had been attacked so there
Was no need in calling a doctor. rumple Ewell also said that his daughter had a black eye to prove it.
Even Sheriff Tate saw this when he
Came to their house. Atticus said that the person who attacked Mayella used
Their right hand to hit her. He them
Turned to Bob Robinson and asked him to lift his right arm up. He could not do this because when he was young he had a accident. As a result
Bob cannot lift his right arm. Everyone is quiet. If Bob Robinson cannot move his right arm then he could not have attacked Mayella.
Bob Robinson told Atticus that he did
Go to the Ewell's house. He used to help them. Bob said that always respected Mayella and would never
Attack her. He felt sorry for her. Mayella had no friends. She was very poor. Mayella's family did not like her or treat her well. Atticus tells the jury
That the evidence shows Bob Robinson could not have raped or attack Mayella. She was really attacked by her father. Mayella Ewell
Is asked to give evidence. She said that Bob Robinson raped her. He then
Beat her. Atticus tells Mayella that Bob Robinson could not have punched
Her because he cannot lift his right arm. Atticus tells Mayella that he thinks her father raped her and beat her. She starts to cry. Atticus says Mayella is blaming an innocent man.
Atticus tells the court that the Ewells
Are guilty. He says Bob Robinson is innocent man. Atticus also says that Mayella is no telling the truth. The jury, well spend a few hours making their decision. They have to decide if
Bob Robinson is innocent or guilty?
Did he rape Mayella? Did he attack her? Are the Ewells lying?
The jury have made their decision.
They say that Bob Robinson is guilty.

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