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An: Hello everyone, this is the first update of 2024. How are all of you doing? I hope the year is treating everyone well so far. This was written to Babydoll by Ari Abdul :) The mood videos may no longer be on TikTok due to their issues with muting a lot of sounds and artists. I will likely post them on Tumblr, Ko-fi, and Twitter exclusively. I will see you guys on the next update, have a great day :).

Waking late in the afternoon the next day around 2 pm, rolling over and seeing a note on your nightstand: I didn't want to wake my sleeping beauty. Enjoy your evening of pampering, I've booked a spa for you at 5. I'll see you when you get home, Love you. You started to dress for the day and decided to text him after lunch. You slowly walk down the steps and smell the aromas in the air. Sitting at the table in the kitchen as she sets the plates down in front of you. You smile at her but she doesn't look in your direction. Taking a deep breath, "Sybil..." Her eyes roll and she swiftly looks in your direction. "WHAT!?" Cutting your fresh steak with a knife, "I promise not to be on some bullshit today."

She throws her hands up, "We have five minutes, ask me whatever you want? However, just so you know... Push my buttons and I'll throw this fucking frying pan at your head." Taking a sip of water, "Hmmm, you must not have had your morning dic-" "I'm warning you bitch!!!" She interrupted and you huffed, "IF you hurt me, Yoongi will kill you. So by any means... Ugh, that's not important, weird question?" She started washing the dishes, "I hate your fucking questions but... CONTINUE!" After swallowing down some food, "How the hell did you fall in love with Yoongi? And what made you want to stay by his side?" She grasped onto the sponge and dropped her plate, she knew for a fact you didn't know about the abortion and didn't feel comfortable telling.

She sighs, "To ask someone why they fell in love is kind of stupid..." Her words pause as she tries to think of the next thing to say and you interrupt her thoughts, "Sybil, I can tell by the way you act... Have you maybe considered talking about your feelings with him?" Her head shakes knowing she's about to lie, "You thinking I could love a man like him is crazy... Listen, I've worked with Yoongi for years, and I still feel like I need to be a loyal employee." Your eyebrows furrow, "But why?! He doesn't treat you so nicely... You know what, sorry that I'm in your business." She continues washing the dishes, "...Look despite how he acts with me, I love working with him."

Your head cocks to the side, "You meant to say, 'I love him,' I know you want to keep making excuses that he is great but-" "Is he not... Think about your life before he came along. Were you doing amazing or did he somehow improve it? Mafia boss or not, he's still a good guy." You half smile because she is partially right, "OK Sybil but this is about you. It's ok to feel like that towards him, he's good-looking, wealthy, and you're beautiful... You guys would actually look great together." Her lips curl up in the corners while she frowns, "Um, he actually wants you but for whatever reason, you're oblivious."

She doesn't know about your crush on Hoseok and you had no plans on telling her. Your mind wandered mid-conversation when you thought about his engagement to Monica. You had no reason to hate that girl except that she had the one man you wanted. Sybil snaps her fingers, "Girl wake up... I don't know what goes on in that mind of yours but you gotta be more present... If you don't mind, I'm done talking about this shit already... Look, I'm just here to get my paycheck and bounce." You slowly put your plates in the sink, leaning on the counter next to her, "Do you ever dream about fucking Yoongi? It's magical and if you ever get the chance-"

"Goodbye yn, you're starting to annoy me," she glares into your eyes. You smirk walking away, "OK fine, all I'm saying is let him beat your walls loose once in a while. Maybe then you'll walk around with a smile." You didn't know the history between Yoongi and Sybil nor did you really care. Sybil was a miserable human and you often wondered why she is always so jealous. You go upstairs and plop on the bed, lying there for about an hour, and you finally remembered about the spa. You were so excited to get this alone time, it was always nice to get out of the house. Pulling out your phone and texting Yoongi that you're dressed and ready for the spa. He informs you that the limo will be outside soon.

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