The Girl Disguised As An Angel

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(Warning: Some suggestive content of someone wanting to rape, doesn't happen. And some cursing.)

Ryou Bakura's POV:

I'm tired. All of this is so goddamn exhausting. Ever since Father died, I've just been done with my life. I miss him. I miss Mother. But...

At least I have Amane. My little sister, my everything. It's been hard to provide for us both, but we manage. Speaking of said girl...

"~Bakura~! Ready for lunch?" She came upstairs, her hair tied up and her usual cropped shirt and baggy jeans ever-present on her body, with one hand on her hip. "I'm ready to leave."

"Ok, let's go," I chuckled, amused at her antics. I got up from the bed, and walked out of the house, hiding the Ring under her shirt from her keen eyes. She was convinced something bad was in it, but I just think she's being dramatic. "So, d'you want burgers or pizza?"

"Oh come on, we had both of those last time! How about something Japanese?"

"Can't argue with that, let's get some sushi," I agreed, knowing arguing would've resulted in a pain in my ass, literally. We went to the closest place in town, while we made pointless chatter about school and the upcoming Duelist Kingdom tournament.

"For the last time, Bakura, you're a great duelist! You should totally sign up, you meet the requirements!"

"And for the last time Amane, I don't want to do it! You're a much better duelist than I am..."

"We're both good, ok? If you don't sign up, then I won't either!" She humphed, crossing her arms.

"All right, lemme just think about it for a bit..." I muttered, trying to keep her calm. We then arrived at the restaurant, and ordered our food. Once we sat down at a table nearby, I felt like taking my jacket off, forgetting about the Ring. Of course, Amane went feral over the stupid thing.

"WHY are you wearing that- that thing?!" she whispered-shouted, not trying to cause a scene.

"Because I can, and nothing bad has ever happened when I wear this!" I argued, trying to keep her from freaking out.

"Really? Then why do you have to wear it all the damn time?!?" Amane shot back, to which I faltered. Now that I think about it, why do I always wear it? I... I don't know...

"Urgh, fine, I'll stop wearing it constantly..." I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"Order for Ryou Bakura!" the man at the register called, and I went to get the food when he followed with "And another order for a... Ms Ishtar?"

Someone bumped into me on the way to the counter, and we fell to the floor. I was a bit annoyed, as whoever it was had landed on me quite roughly, and as I turned to ask for her to apologize, I saw her. She had to be as old as Amane, with dark skin, platinum blond hair, and pale purple eyes. I couldn't see her full face due to a mask, but she wore a long-sleeved shirt, black jeans, and white sneakers.

"I'm so sorry sir!" She apologized, bowing and helping me up. "I was just trying to get me food, and I wasn't-" She stopped abruptly when she saw my face, and seemed to lightly blush.

"Hey Oni-chan, who's she?" Amane asked, snapping us out of our train of thought as she walked up to us, 2 bags of food in hand. The teenager took off her mask, in a bid to apologize.

"I'm terribly sorry, Mr...?"

"Bakura. But call me Ryou," I replied, finding her face to be quite... what?

"Ryou-san. I was trying to get my food, and wasn't looking where I was going," she responded sheepishly. "I'll be sure to be more careful next time."

"No, I do that often too. There's no worries!" I said, shaking my head. "Say, what's your name?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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