S1 Episode 1: Friendship Is Magic, Pt. 1

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Three months later. . . 

It's been about three months since Paint Rush arrived in Equestria, and his life couldn't be happier. He got new jobs around Ponyville to earn some Bits for his new house, which he now lives near the Golden Oak Library. He was able to get to know more of his friends around the time he had to spend time with them. He learned that Pinkie Pie came from a rock farm and she loves to spread joy and make ponies smile all of the time; he learned that Applejack has an older brother and a younger sister, and they all work hard together to make Sweet Apple Acres the best it can be, he learned that Rarity dreams of opening a lot of fashion boutiques all over Equestria, and he learned that both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy came from a cloud city in the sky called Cloudsdale and that Rainbow Dash dreams of becoming a Wonderbolt while Fluttershy stays at her cottage to look after her animal friends. It wasn't just those five Paint Rush who became closer to them; he was very helpful to all the ponies in Ponyville. Whenever someone needed help, Paint Rush would always be there to help them whenever they needed it. Due to this, Paint Rush became well-known around Ponyville as the most helpful pony out there with his trusty magical brush. Sometimes, when Paint Rush wasn't working, he would practice his skills with the magic brush that was given to him by his father, but he also researched his family's history in the library. Today was the Summer Sun Celebration, where Princess Celestia chose a town or city to let them see how she used her magic to lower the moon and raise the sun. Somepony was coming to supervise the festivities for the Summer Sun Celebration, and Paint Rush volunteered to tour her for the event. It was early morning, and Paint Rush was still in his house, sleeping on his bed. However, as he was, the tip of his magic brush glowed a slight white glow, and he shifted a little while sleeping. Inside his dream, Paint Rush stood out in a null-like void, and he looked all around him in confusion.

Paint Rush: Where am I?

 Mysterious Voice: (Echo) Help.

 Paint Rush: Huh? 

Mysterious Voice: (Echo) Please help them.

 Paint Rush: Is someone there? You can come on out. I won't hurt you. 

Then, a light blinded Paint Rush as he was put into a different landscape that looked like a castle of some sort, and around him, he was in a room like a library with a book in the middle.

Then, a light blinded Paint Rush as he was put into a different landscape that looked like a castle of some sort, and around him, he was in a room like a library with a book in the middle

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Paint Rush: What is this place? Is this a dream?

 Mysterious Voice: (Echo) Thousands of years ago, two regal sisters ruled together and created harmony for the entire land. 

The books in the middle of the room opened independently, levitated, and approached Paint Rush, surprising him. In the book, two alicorn figures were shown. One looked like Princess Celestia, while the other was unknown to Paint Rush. As the voice spoke, the pages flipped to show precisely what it was saying. 

Mysterious Voice: (Echo) The eldest used her alicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn while the younger brought out the moon to begin at night.

Paint Rush: I see, but. . . what does this have to do with me? 

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