prom song gone wrong

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"boy it's late, walk me home, put your hand in mine. at the gate, stop and say, be my valentine."

| one shot |

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Soarynn held onto the hand that belonged to Coriolanus Snow as he walked her home.

It wasn't an unnatural occurrence, in fact, it had become quite regular considering they'd been dating for the past six months.

The stars were out tonight as they approached the gate of her townhouse. Soarynn lived on the Corso, solidifying her status already just from the street she lived on. All the important and prominent families lived on the Corso, either in townhouses or apartments.

Coriolanus was a bit different though when it came to his living situation. He lived in the President's Mansion.

There was a time when the Snows lived in their penthouse apartment that overlooked the Corso, but they moved out once his Father became President. Crassus Snow was quite possibly the scariest man alive and Soarynn had only met him a handful of times at social gatherings and events.

He was a stern man and it showed through his parenting towards Coriolanus. He always seemed to have something critical to say about his son and rarely anything kind or positive.

But his wife seemed to make up for that tenfold.

The First Lady of Panem was an... outgoing woman. You couldn't miss her if you tried. How those two ended up together Soarynn would never know, but his Mother was something else.

Constantly doting on Coriolanus, fussing with his clothes and his hair, singing his highest praises. In her eyes, her darling son could do no wrong.

They were an interesting family, the Snows, all so powerful yet so dysfunctional at their core. In public they presented themselves as the perfect family unit, charming, polite, attractive, and above all, rich.

Soarynn wasn't one to complain about her financial situation, not when she lived on the Corso in a beautiful townhouse.

The Nightingales were quite successful themselves, even if it was just her and her own father. Glen Nightingale was a quiet man, whose words were carefully thought out and well-measured. He was reserved, stern when necessary, and well-respected by all who knew him.

He had invested in District Four's production in his younger days and it proved to be a most fruitful investment that paid off wonderfully. He even managed to stay afloat during the war, when so many others drowned.

Soarynn remembered the war just like the rest of her classmates, although she tried to forget it the best she could.

Most people moved forward, and everyone had lost someone they loved it seemed. Soarynn knew very little about loss, it had just been her and her father during the war and he wasn't even able to volunteer to serve in the military.

He had a bad back and had injured his leg severely when he attended the Academy while running, so he remained in the Capitol.

Soarynn's mother had passed away while giving birth to her, a woman she'd never known but resembled so strongly.

People often commented on how much they looked alike, how Soarynn was a spitting image of Mrs. Nightingale. Soarynn knew they meant well, but it was a painful reminder that she was the reason her mother was no longer alive.

Her father was a wonderful parent and raised her with so much love and adoration despite the loss they'd both experienced.

She knew he wanted her to be taken care of even when he passed away, and that was how she ended up holding Coriolanus Snow's hand on Valentine's Day.

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