Happy Valentines Day❣

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Just wanted to say Happy Valentines Day<3333

Enjoy your sweets and chocolates! :D



Here's a lil story

While I was at school In a class doing fun activities with friends My teacher asked "Anyone know what Valentines day is?" Then I JOKILY said "Its where people kiss and hug and do cringy things!" {NO OFFENCE TO ANYONE DATING}💀

Then my teacher did a lil sad noise and said "You know your just mad your 'Single'" Then thats where everyone ooo'ed and yelled even my friends💀😭

Though I'm not interested in dating and happy to be single. I did feel a bit offended🗿

No humiliation or bullying happening after the that, my class and the teacher knew it was a joke.

My Teacher seemed to have been on a roll today😶

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