~Chapter 1: Danger From Nowhere~

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Chapter 1 Danger From Nowhere:

Life was normal, in the Kamado residency. "MOM I'M GOING TO SELL SOME CHARCOAL" Tanjiro said. "Alright Tanjiro," Kie said in a gentle voice. "HEY I WANT TO COME TOO BIG BROTHER!" said hanako and shigeru running at Tanjiro with all their might.

"Now now, Hanako and Shigeru, Tanjiro won't be able to bring the cart this time, so if you get tired, he can't bring the cart for you to rest on if you get tired." Kie reassured. "I wanna go with big brother! I'll promise I'll help!" Said Hanako and Shigeru in unison. 

"That's nice of you Hanako and Shigeru! But no, you have to stay home tonight." Said Tanjiro kindly while patting them on the shoulder softly. "Takeo, please cut as much as wood as you can while I'm out selling charcoal for everyone! Don't worry, you'll be just fine without me!" Tanjiro reassured calmly.

Takeo nodded but shrugged saying "I wish we could've done that together big brother" Tanjiro walked over to Takeo with his big smile on his face as usual and patted Takeo on his shoulder saying "there there now,"

By this time Tanjiro had transparent and demon slayer mark activated. He saw that Takeo had injured his head and he was trying to hide it, so Tanjiro lightly patted the area on Takeo's head. "Wha-WHAT ARE YOU DOING TANJIRO! KNOCK THAT OFF!" Takeo said blushing from embarrassment. "HAHA YOU'RE BLUSHING TAKEO!" Hanako teased pointing at him and preventing herself from laughing at him.

"SHUT UP YOU BRAT!" Takeo said glaring with disdain at Hanako. Even though they seem to get along as a nice family, there are still some minor inconveniences. Yet, they still get along perfectly fine and forgive and forget. "There, there" Tanjiro said gently patting his head.

"I TOLD YOU TO CUT IT OUT!" Takeo said more infuriated that Tanjiro is in with Hanako teasing him. 

"Tanjiro." Said a light voice from behind. It was Nezuko, Rokuta was asleep on Nezuko's back. "Make sure to sell a lot of charcoal okay? It's getting cold and I bet the village people need it." Nezuko had always cared about others more than herself. Tanjiro remembered when Nezuko refused to get a new kimono because she wanted to save money for there to be food on the table. That was something Tanjiro admired.

He gave a bright smile and waved goodbye to Nezuko leaving the cabin. "Bye Tanjiro! Come back safe, okay?"

"Goodbye Tanjiro!" Kie said with a warm look on her face. "GOODBYE TANJIRO!" Takeo, Shigeru, and Hanako yelled from their tiny warm cabin. Tanjiro headed off waving goodbye to them, he headed towards the village downhill, he began to see the beauty of nature as the snowflakes fell on his checkered patterned haori. 

"Oh Tanjiro, why'd you come here on a day like this? You could catch a cold y'know?" one of the villagers said, concerned. "It's fine," Tajiro said smiling brightly. Little did he know that he couldn't get sick with the demon slayer mark. "I just happen to come by down because I had some extra charcoal to sell!" He said. 

All the villagers were happy that Tanjiro headed to the village today, as they were in need for a refill. Tanjiro did some household tasks that the villagers were unable to do and generally helped out everyone in the village as Tanjiro had a very keen sense of smell. Tanjiro managed to sell every piece of charcoal.

Now, Tanjiro was on his way back but it was getting dark and pitch black, luckily, old man saburo quickly said "TANJIRO! get inside now, demons might come out soon." Tanjiro had tried to argue back, but remained silent and did as he was told. Tanjiro spent the rest of the night there and asked a question to old man Saburo "Saburo-san...what does it mean when the demons come out?"

Old man saburo sighed and stated "Throughout our history, there always have been demons that feast on human flesh." Tanjiro went quiet for a moment then asked "Could these demons...come inside our homes?" Old man Saburo replied with interest "Yes, they could." 

"Wouldn't everyone get eaten then?" Tanjiro asked curiously. Old man Saburo sighed, in a more peaceful way, "Demon slayers have always tried to slay every man eating demons, they always have but they're undercover. They always protect people when it comes to the terms of demons."

Before Tanjiro could ask another question old man Saburo quickly said "That's it for today, lights out." as he said turning the lights off his small shed-like house. Tanjiro thought about this deeply when falling asleep 'man eating demons? What did he mean by man eating demons? Probably something like a rumor spread around that old man Saburo believed.' he thought to himself before falling asleep.


Morning Time:

"Thanks for letting me stay!" Tanjiro said, leaving waving goodbye. Saburo gave a small wave back and mumbled under his breath just enough that Tanjiro could hear "Be careful Tanjiro." Tanjiro quickly ran back to his house, but while going there he noticed something wrong in the forest. He sniffed the air a bit and noticed the unusual scent of blood, but this was no normal blood like he smelled before.

He smelt blood. The stench made him want to hurl, he hated it. Tanjiro sprinted towards the direction of his house to figure out what was wrong. When he found out the problem, he was paralyzed in fear, in utter shock from what he just had seen.

Tanjiro stood their screaming as he saw Rokuta's and Nezukos lifeless corpses on the floor covered in blood with claw marks on nezuko's kimono. It was obvious that Nezuko had tried to protect Rokuta, but had failed giving a fatal blow. Tanjiro ventured to their bodys and looked at the house. He saw his mom, and siblings. Dead. Covered in blood vulnerably. 

With his transparent world ability he tried to save one of them, he saw that Nezuko could still be saved if she had received proper nursing in time. He quickly scooped her up and sprinted as fast as he can in the direction to the nearest medical center. He felt the cold, but surprisingly he didn't feel any fatigue at all from carrying Nezuko. He felt stronger. The demon blood found on the snow, had made his mark activate by accident. Resulting in higher stamina and endurance.

It was not long, until when Nezuko started acting inhumane. She had developed fangs, like a vampire. Claws that could shred flesh. She grew bigger and ended up throwing Tanjiro off a cliff causing him to slip and fall. Luckily, he landed on the soft snow leaving him with no serious injuries.

"NEZUKO!"  Tanjiro panted out, as Nezuko had her head down doing nothing but standing near a tree in a open forest area. Nezuko quickly gave Tanjiro a deadly stare and jumped in the air as a attempt to attack him. Tanjiro brushed the attack away with ease and restrained Nezuko on the ground.

It was not long after, with someone with ravenette hair and a mismatched haori and a katana blade as blue as the ocean was charging towards them. Tajiro was startled and let down his guard leaving Nezuko with opportunity to attack him. Tanjiro realized that this guy was aiming for Nezuko's head and he quickly put Nezuko away forcing the slayer to accidently cut his hair due to a missed attack.

"A sword..." Tanjiro immediately knew who this guy was, this guy...was a demon slayer! Tanjiro used his transparent world on this man, and found his physique was out of this world and otherworldly.

What will Tanjiro do?

Authors note:

I'll continue to work on this and really try my best, to make the story align well in this scenario. 

Word count: 1293

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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