That Brotherly Chat

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Context: you and Bucky are both Avengers and are extremely close friends. You have feelings for him that you haven't admitted to him, and you aren't sure if he feels the same way about you.

Tony was having another one of his "little" parties at the Avengers Tower - one of the ones where he says it'll just be the team, but at least twice that number always ended up in attendance. You'd just walked in, and you were standing by the door, wearing a smirk as you counted the people scattered around the room; Nat had bet you that there wouldn't be more than 30 people. Time to see if you were about to come into some money.

"You're late." Bucky's voice next to your ear made you jump. How a man that size could manage to be that quiet, you'd never know.

"A witch is never late, Bucky Barnes. Nor is she early. She arrives precisely when she means to." You were very pleased with yourself for keeping your voice level through the whole joke, despite the feeling of his hand coming to rest against your lower back as the two of you made your way toward the couches.

"I thought that was wizards."

You shrugged. "Witches, wizards, same difference." You flopped down onto the couch with a broad smile.

He took a seat next to you, his arm stretch casually across the back of the couch behind you. "I dunno. I'm not sure I believe that you're really a witch, either."

"Excuse me?" You lifted one of your hands, sparks flying from your fingers. "Now say that again."

He played at being uncertain, squinting at you. "Yeah... no, I still don't think so. Your skin just isn't green enough for it."

"Wait." You sat up straight, gaping at him. "You watched Wizard of Oz without me?! How could you?" Pressing your hand over your heart, you flopped dramatically back against the back of the couch as if you were about to faint. "I don't know how I'll ever get over this betrayal!"

"Oh for the love of..." Bucky rolled his eyes, biting his lip against a laugh. "Peter badgered me into it, but I'll watch it again with you, if it really bothers you that much."

"Did you like it, at least?"

He shrugged, tipping his hand back and forth in a so-so motion. "Eh."

You scoffed. "Then no, we're not going to watch it again. There are a million other movies out there that you might actually like. No sense in wasting time re-watching stuff you didn't enjoy. Even if it is a classic and you obviously have no taste."

"If I have no taste, what does that say about you?"

"HEY!" Sam's voice cut through your banter, and both of you turned to stare at the man as he waddled through the door carrying a huge - and apparently heavy - box. "Somebody come help me with these boxes! Hey, Supersoldier!"

Bucky arched an eyebrow. "Which one?"

Sam heaved the box onto the bar and looked over at Bucky with a wry grin. "Well, you're the one that answered me, so congratulations. Come help me with these. Tony went a little nuts with refilling the bar." He tilted the box until you could just see the tops of various bottles peeking out the top.

"That's all alcohol?" How much did the Avengers drink, if Tony was buying that much? Though, with two supersoldiers and a god around, maybe it wasn't so crazy.

Sam nodded and headed back out into the hall. "Yeah. Come on, Bucky, there are three more boxes in the elevator."

Bucky sighed heavily and pushed himself to his feet. He flashed you a wink and a whispered, "Be right back," before he followed Sam out into the hall. "Alright, Noodle-arms, wait for me to help you before you hurt yourself trying to lift those."

Daydreams (Bucky x YN imagines and one-shots)Where stories live. Discover now