Valentines Special

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This oneshot is inspired by the Valentines oneshot by Slustica and wanted to do my own little add on for fun on the lovely ending, highly recommended them love their writing style go check them out after this! Hope you enjoy!

Something didn't feel right.

Although Ink didn't feel much anymore, something was nagging in the back of his mind that something was wrong.

Maybe it was Error. He hadn't moved since he had closed his eyes a while ago. He did that sometimes to keep the never ending eternity from getting to him. Ink didn't really understand why. But something about Error seemed wrong today.

Maybe it was the fact that he hadn't opened his eyes yet. Maybe it was the fact that Error hadn't moved since he closed his eyes. Or some other little thing in the back of his mind that was going off.

Time passed and passed and passed, and Error still didn't move. It had been long past the time that Error normally wakes up. And Ink finally found out what was wrong with Error. He had stopped breathing. And with a little more inspection Ink found that Errors soul was no longer in his ribcage. Strange.

Ink just sat there. Unmoving.

Then he heard a little voice in the back of his mind. "Do you love me Ink?" The voice whispered. Ink only blinked. The voice reminded him of Errors voice. Ink couldn't care less. "Do you love me Ink?" Errors voice whispered again. "Error." Ink said blankly.

"Yes?" Errors voice whispered. Ink sat there unmoving. Waiting for the voice to ask the question again. "Do you want me to be quiet for now Inky?" Errors voice asked. "No." Ink blurted. Strange. He shouldn't have said that. He honestly shouldn't have said anything, but Error was acting strange. "Why aren't you moving Error." Ink said.

The voice gave a wispy laugh. "I'm dead Inky!" It replied. Ink stayed silent. Errors body lay gently on Inks, his head in the crook of Inks neck. But, Error couldn't be dead could he? No. He couldn't. Error was just taking a longer nap than normal. Ink slowly reached up and touched the back of Errors skull, just like how Error would do to him.

This would wake him up. "Wake up." Ink said. The body remained still. "Do you love me Ink?" Errors voice asked. "No." The voice laughed. "Not this joke again! Come on Inky just say it." As if rehearsed Ink said "It." And again the voice laughed and continued with what Error always said.

It didn't seem right.

And suddenly Inks face started to feel wet. He reached up and saw that tears were falling from his sockets. "I'm crying." Ink said flatly. "Oh no! I'm sorry! Was it something I said? I can just stop talking for a while if you want?" The voice asked.

"You're not Error." Ink said. The voice laughed again. "Of course I'm Error Ink! I'm the only one left! And I'm here with you! So of course I'm Error!" The voice said. "Go away." And the voice fell silent. The tears had not stopped, Ink couldn't get them to stop. Ink wanted Error back. Well in a way. Yes he was emotionless but it was something inside of him that made him call out for Error and tell him to wake up. Only the voice responded.

Ink reached up again and rubbed the back of Errors skull, just like how Error rubbed the back of Inks skull. "Why aren't you waking up." Ink said. No reply. The voice had gone silent at Inks command. Ink had tried everything Error had done to Ink. Pull him close, rub the back of his skull, well those were the only two things Error really did.

Other than the thing Ink didn't want to do. Because that would show if Error was really dead. And something in Ink was stopping that. Keeping him from saying it, and to be honest Ink didn't really care. "Error?" Ink tried his best to ask. No reply. "Do you love me?" Ink asked into the empty void. Silence.

"Answer me." Ink tried his best to demand. Nothing but utter silence. Error was gone. And Ink couldn't do anything. The tears had almost stopped at this point but they came back again and heavier than before. "Of course I do." The voice replied. Something about it comforted Ink in some way.

Errors body was slipping off of Inks body again, his head slowly moving from its spot in the crook of Inks neck. Ink slowly pushed Errors body back in place. "Inky? If it's not too much could you hold my body to yours? That way I don't fall off again?" The voice- Error asked. "Ok." Ink replied without thinking. Ink took one arm and wrapped it around Errors unmoving body so it wouldn't move anymore. "Thank you Ink." Error said.

"Hey Ink?"


"Do you still love me?"


"Cmon Inky! Your really running this joke into the ground just say 'I love you'."

"I love you."

"Do you still love me?"

861 Words

Hope you enjoyed!

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