Mermaid stuff idk

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Mainly just a random story for Mermay before it's over. Enjoy!

Killer was a cocky bastard. He knew that, his two roommates knew that, everyone he met knew that. And that same cockiness landed him here, being dragged into the ocean by a thresher shark mer. How did this happen? Well it started about a month ago.

Killer and his two roommates Horror and Dust, had just gotten into another argument which led to them locking Killer out of the apartment. (Which in hindsight was a terrible idea on their part due to so many kidnappings in the area lately) So Killer was forced onto the streets and ended up at the pier where he ran into a certain Thresher Mer.

Killer chuckled and smiled at the funny thing, wait.. was it looking at him? Killer didn't have a second to think before the Mer jumped up and pinned Killer down sniffing him rapidly and growling. Killer laughed nervously. "C-come around here often big guy?" He tried, and the Mer... nodded? No no no that can't be right! Mets don't understand English! Do they...?

"Good... Hunt." It pieced together. Killer nodded and slowly sat up an uneasy smile on his face. "Well now aren't you pretty. Bet you're a good hunter as well." Killer semi flirted. The Mer shrunk back and blushed gently hiding its face away bashfully. Killer gave a confident smile, now this was his area of expertise! "You look so strong... wouldn't surprise me if you already got a good looking mate huh buddy?" Killer flattered.

And just like that some sort of friendship was born. The Mer was later named Cross, or as Killer nicknamed him, Crossy. That night was also stressful for Horror and Dust when they realized what they did and that they could have killed the person who pays most of the bills. An incident like that didn't really happen like that again.

But Killer still visited Cross and even told his best friend Lust about it. "A thresher mer huh?" Lust sighed "Those guys are pretty rare you know, you could sell him for some cash." Killer wasn't happy with that. "Hell no! Poor thing doesn't seem like he fully belongs in the ocean! I've seen scars on his that seem more like surgical cuts." Killer snarled. That conversation died quickly afterwards.

But every day Killer would go to the dock and bring the biggest fish he could afford for his friend. "Oh Crossy!" He called into the air. And there he was, slowly emerging out of the water a smile on his face as he grabbed Killers arm and dragged him into the ocean. Now Killer had done this before with Cross, but this was different, it felt... more personal.

And Cross kissed him. A deep passionate kiss that stole what little breath Killer had left away. Killer closed his eyes as he let his breath be taken and kissed back just as deeply, he felt slits on his neck open and water rush in, a fairly strange feeling which caused him to gasp. He looked down and saw that his legs melded together into a tail, one of a reef shark.

Cross trilled gently at Killer a goofy smile on his face. "You're so pretty..." those were the only words said in the dead silence of the ocean.

561 Words

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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