Bled dry

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multi_ship_join decided to have fun and try to continue the story from the most recent chapter where you left off! Hope you enjoy!

God am I drowsy.

Taking blood was, nice? It shouldn't be by any means, it should be painful right? Right? I shook the idea out of my head and opened the door to my room. I threw off my clothes and half hazardly threw them near my laundry pile and flopped into bed.

I groan as I wake up slowly adjusting to the world around me, I don't even remember falling asleep last night. I walk to the kitchen and find a tea that I knew would help, it was stocked in spades due to it being mainly given to the humans that were treated like cattle. Its main use was to increase your hemoglobin that helped with creating blood and god knew I needed it. "The hell are you doing here?" A snide voice behind me asked.

"Getting tea asshole." I snapped back, trying to get my focus back on the tea. "From the kitchen used to feed the cattle? What for? Boss finally decide to treat you like one of them?" He smirked. I rolled my eyes and drank the tea, god I hated tea. Despite Dusts face being hid behind his hood I could still see his face drop. "You didn't heat up the water." He said.

"Yeah? Something wrong with that?" I asked my interest piqued. Dust silently charged in and shoved the kettle on the stove waiting for the water to heat up while glaring at me. Luckily Horror, walked in and eyed Dust. "What happened this time?" He asked. Dust snapped his head to Horror and replied "Killer, being the absolute genius he is, didn't know you had to heat up water for tea."

Horror just stood there blinking, god someone talk the silence is so loud! "You... why???" He asked. I shrugged and tried sipping on my original glass of tea again before Dust snatched it away. "Drinking it like that was always how me and my family did it." I replied simply.

Horror grumbled and left leaving me alone with Dust again. Who after making the tea, shoved the glass in my hand and walked away annoyed. "Thanks ghosty!" I shouted after him. He in return flipped me off and continued walking away. I shrugged and drank the tea anyways my eyes widening from the flavor. "Wow... this is so good!" I mutter to myself. As I stood there drinking tea I thought about last night.

God why did I do that? Why did I moan? How stupid was that? I mean seriously! I moaned when the king, my boss, bit my neck to drink my blood! "Killer." A sharp voice cut through my thoughts like my silver knife. "Yes my king?" I ask, my head instantly snapping to Nightmare. "You have a new mission, it starts tomorrow." He grumbled before walking away something on his mind.

I shrug and go to my room and prepare for my trip, I pack the usual supplies. Food, clothes, cash, weapons, the works. And the thing that I begrudgingly love that Nightmare gave me, an instant message sender. Pure magic from what I knew, I could write or speak any message and it would send to him almost instantly.

And of course there were rules to it, always use "My king" or "My lord" when you finished the job and your heading back, or if you've been seriously injured and think you might die then you use "Night" or "Nightmare". Never used the last two but I doubted I would need to any time soon. And with that I was finished packing. I headed down to get my last meal in the castle for the next week or so.

Strangely enough Cross sat with me, the large towering skeleton dwarfed me as he sat down his huge portion of food looking like it could easily feed three of me. "What's wrong?" I ask, Cross never sat with me unless there was a problem and he wanted to hear a funny (albeit direct) solution to it. He huffed and took a drink of his ale. "I heard your leaving again." He said simply.

"Yep, leaving tomorrow morning, or later tonight whichever is more convenient." I chuckled. "So what's the problem this time." Cross shied away from the question and looked almost guilty. "I had a dream..." he muttered. I sighed and patted his shoulder. Cross was a strange one, every now and then he had dreams, dreams of the future and what will happen to those he cares about.

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