Chapter 15

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"Someone else can pick," I tried as everyone waited on my verdict. "It's really okay." I sat between Sawyer and Jess on the couch in the Family Room. Their parents were on the nearby love seat, and Lexie sat on a big pillow on the floor.

Having listened to me tell my grandmothers basically everything about my life, Sawyer told his family about my birthday movie tradition. It was sweet that they wanted to keep it going for me this year, but I wasn't sure it would ever feel the same as it always had. Plus I was kind of shy about picking movies for everyone. With Natalie, it had been more of a game. We both knew there was a good chance we'd hate each other's choices. That was part of the fun. I didn't know the Petersons well enough to disclose that detail and I didn't want to pick something they wouldn't enjoy.

"Don't be silly," Mrs. Peterson said. "It's your tradition and you're the birthday girl."

"No, really. I don't mind. Besides everything else was enough." And it really was. I hadn't been expecting much fuss over my birthday at all, but the Petersons surprised me with a special dinner, a beautiful cake, and presents. They'd even decorated with balloons and streamers and a Happy Birthday banner. While being the center of attention as everyone sang was a little embarrassing, I was incredibly touched that they'd have gone to so much trouble, especially in such a short period of time. I'd honestly never felt so special before. And I genuinely loved everything they gave me. The delicate gold bracelet on my wrist made me smile every time I thought about it. Sawyer's name had been on the tag. I couldn't figure out when he'd had time to pick it out, but it was perfect. It had three tiny charms: a wolf, a crescent moon, and the letter C.

Mrs. Peterson gave me one of those mom looks I wasn't used to but had no trouble reading. It was amusement mixed with a warning not to argue any more. "That was only because we were short on time," she said. "We'll be taking a trip for a real celebration soon."

I blinked, stunned that there was more.

"You're not afraid of heights, are you?" Mr. Peterson asked.

Feeling very curious about whatever it was, I smiled and shook my head. "I don't think so."

"Good." His wife nodded. "Now choose."

Biting my lip, I turned my attention back to the large television and started scrolling. After a minute, I got excited when Singin' in the Rain appeared in the options. But I didn't think too many people liked old movies, and musicals at that. I only got into them because I was determined to find something so good that Natalie couldn't criticize. I figured classics were hard to argue with. But I wound up loving it. She did not.

I was about to scroll on when Sawyer spoke up from his spot beside me. "Which one?"

Surprised, I looked at him and he quirked an eyebrow, letting me know that he'd basically read my mind.

"Singin' in the Rain?" I cringed, anticipating groans.

"Oh, I love that one," his mom said.

"Really?" I turned to her, glad that no one else seemed horrified.

"Mmmhmm. And I think the girls will like it. The boys will survive."

I wanted to laugh at the wary look on her husband's face.

"How many movies are we watching?" Lexie asked as she stretched out onto her stomach, facing the TV.

Everyone looked at me.

"Well, I usually pick two, and my m-." I caught myself. "Natalie usually picks two. But we don't have to-" I tried, guessing that they probably wouldn't want to sit here for the next eight hours or so. It was already after seven.

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