Prologue: Universes Meet!

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Takes Place During Y2V4.5, Before Kiyo Answered Honami's Confession

(A/N: Before I begin the reaction fanfic, I would like to say a couple things regarding how this story will be written.

The non-reaction parts will be written in my usual writing style. However, the reaction parts will be written in a certain way. That is:

Reacted Part

"Dialogue." - Speaker

Also, while there is a POV character for each chapter, the thoughts of other characters will also be expressed, with:

Thoughts - Speaker.

If the thought is expressed but there's no speaker mentioned, then it's the thoughts of the POV character. Same can be applied to dialogue.

I put this note to prevent any confusion with my dear readers.

Also, please make sure to read all my other fanfics before reading this, as you wouldn't understand anything beforehand if you don't.)

Kiyotaka's POV

Where are we?

I am probably in the strangest situation right now.

I had just fallen asleep for the day, after a relaxing day at the cruise ship. When I had woken up, I was sitting inside a... movie theater.

"Kiyotaka?" I heard a voice from beside me. As I expected, it was Kei, who from the looks of it, has also just woken up. "Where are we?"

"Stay calm, Kei. Don't panic." I said as she started looking around. She gasped at the scenery before us, but I held her hand tightly, which helped calm her down.

"What is going on?"

"I don't know. Let's just observe the situation and prepare ourselves for now." I said.

It was at that moment that everyone else started waking up. Inevitably, people started panicking.

"H-Hey, where are we?!"

"What's happening?! Why are we in a movie theater?!"

"Why are we here?!"

All of the students from all three years in ANHS were here, from what I can observe. I also saw that the teachers, Chairman Sakayanagi, as well as, strangely, Manabu-senpai and Tachibana-senpai are also here.

"Please calm down everyone." Mashima-sensei immediately stood up to calm down the panicking students. The class leaders also started doing so as well, though Ryuuen did it in a violent manner.

"Kiyopon?" I looked behind me and saw the entire Ayanokouji Group, looking concerned.

"I'm glad you're all okay." I said. "Just stay calm for now."

"We will!"

"What do you think is happening, Ayanokouji-kun?" Horikita asked from beside me.

"I have no idea." I said. "For now, let's just observe what's going on."

"Very well."

"Ah, you're all awake!"

It was an unfamiliar voice that spoke. I looked around and immediately spotted the source of the voice.

It was me.

Or rather, something that looks like me wearing a three-piece suit like a butler.

Everyone started noticing this detail, but before anyone can comment on it, the being spoke once more.

COTE: Null Multiverse (Reaction)Where stories live. Discover now