Reaction Chapter 5: Assassin's First Day Of School

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I. Honami's (MR) POV

"It's going to be our first day of school, right?"

"Yes, it does." Yoshikage-kun replied to me.

"I wonder how you managed to save your class." I wondered with a smile on my face.

"You'll see." he replied.

"Now then, let us begin this episode named, "I Saved And Scared The Class"!" the Author said.

"Fufu, interesting title...."

Once everyone had settled down, the screen lit up once more, and as we expected, music played.


Opening: Bling-bang-bang-born by Creepy Nuts

Yeah, boy

Chīto gifted arawaza wanted
Kinki kinjite akiraka mōten
Hansoku i jigen kono yononaka no monde wa naidesu
Muri sore kii tenai tte

A male teenager was seen bleeding on the ground while rain starts pouring.

"Yes! It's this song! I love this song!" - Yoshikage

While he was happy about the song choice, everyone else winced at the sight of Yoshikage-kun's past life dying.

Ay raibaru kuchiwosoroete
Ooh raibaru kuchiwosoroete
Bagu de magure mitomene ̄zettē
Majide? Kore o ma zenbu namami de?

It then zooms in on his face as he tries to reach out to the sky. Light then shines upon him, and the scene cuts to Yoshikage waking up from his bed.

It's namami it's namami yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Bling-bang-bang, bling-bang-bang-born
Bling-bang-bang, bling-bang-bang-born

He was then shown preparing to go to school, with him brushing his teeth, combing his hair, putting on his uniform, then he took a glance at the guns and katana he has in his room before leaving.

"Are those guns?!" - Ike (COTE)

"And there's a katana, too!" - Sudou (COTE)

I have my doubts now that Kira is a White Room student. - Kiyotaka (COTE)

"How were you allowed to bring guns, Kira-kun?" - Matsushita (MR)

"I had special permission." - Yoshikage

Everyone else looked bewildered at Yoshikage-kun's weapons.

Jitsuryoku o hakki shi kiru mae ni
Aite no kata ga bakku rete kurashī
Agari kiru hādoru very happy
Akiraka ni dantotsu de pikaichi
Aikawarazu dappi shi teru Mainichi (bling, bling, bling)
Dare no nanahikari mo iranai omae no ice yori icy (icy)

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