One. AD

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Hey everyone!! Thank you for choosing this book! Hopefully you like it.

!! You can skip the first 2 chapters if you're impatient. These two are just build up. You don't need to extra content to get the story !!


Andrea Davis

The bell rang for my first lecture. The first lecture I'll have at a new school, I transferred to Stanford with a scholarship, I'd rather go to a prestigious school that gives me a scholarship than a small-town wannabe college that barely has any courses to choose from. My heart started pounding as the distance between the classroom and I closed.

Finally, I reached the room. I decided to be on time to avoid the awkward first moment of walking in while everyone was watching.

So far so good.

I took a seat in the back. Everywhere around me there were voices, all talking about their summers and all the fun things they did.

I pulled out a notepad and a pencil and waited for the teacher to come in and start the lesson.


So far all lectures have like normal. Some were more interesting than others. But finally, my last lecture for the day arrived, Criminology.

I took this class for extra credit. I know I could've chosen an easier subject for my extra credit, but why would you wanna suffer through a boring lecture?

I took a seat on the second row, normally I'd sit in the back but since there was barely anyone who took this lecture I didn't feel the need to hide myself as much.

I was taking out a notepad and my laptop when I heard a jolly voice next to me. "Hey, you're taking this lecture too?" She said.

I looked up at her, with long straight blond hair and breathtaking blue eyes. She wore a floral dress and had her hair in a half up half down style.

"Hey," I said softly with a small smile. She's the first to talk to me all day.

She took a seat beside me and pulled out a pink Macbook. "We're in the same Psychology class," she said. I hadn't noticed her, but to be honest, I hadn't looked around me much.

"That's nice, what's your major?" I asked as a way to hold a conversation. Something I'm terrible at. "Economics, I'm hoping to open my beauty salon, I'd rather study beauty but my parents forbid me." She explains. She looks like someone who would wanna be a stylist or beauty specialist.

"That sucks," I said to show I felt for her. I wouldn't wanna study something I don't like. "At least this way I'll have a good degree of beauty fails."

I nodded, she had a good way of looking at things. I was about to answer when our attention was grabbed by a ruler hitting the teacher's desk.

In front of the class stood a tall man, who looked intimidating. Intimidating but beautiful. He looked like one of those guys you hear about in books. He had brown, almost black hair. He had a shaved beard and you could see a sneak peek of a tattoo where the buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned, three from the top. It took some effort not to stare at him.

"Attention everyone," he said. His loud, raspy voice sounded through the room. "I'm Mr. Lores and this is Criminology 101. If you're not in the right class please take your chance to leave now. There are not many people who are taking this course," he said while pacing around the room. "That means I expect there won't be any talking or giggling through my lectures. If you wanna talk instead of paying attention the door is there," he pointed to the door.

I shifted in my seat, and he became more intimidating by the second. "If you decide not to show up for my lectures, that's no problem for me. But don't expect to get an A. Even if your work is perfect. An A can only be achieved by being present and showing you care for what I'm saying. If you're not interested in the subject you can take another one."

I felt my breathing getting harder, I had no reason to be threatened, I always came to class. He gave this intimidating aura you can't help but be attracted to. Something pulls you in and makes you listen carefully.

After discussing what we would be doing this semester he handed out our first assignment and dismissed us.

I hadn't realised it had already been an hour until the blond girl next to me tapped my shoulder. "Would you mind going out for a cup of coffee with me? I would love to be friends." She smiled at me. I wanted to decline but found no good excuse.

"Sure, why not," I smiled at her. I might seem like a fake bitch for this. I'm acting more enthusiastic than I am. But maybe one friend wouldn't be a problem.

We packed up and walked out of the room, we had waited until everyone was gone so we wouldn't get pushed as we tried exiting the room. "I never got your name, by the way," she asked. "Andrea, what about you?" I asked. "You have such a pretty name, I'm stuck with Jessica," she groaned and wrapped her arm around mine.

She was more fun than expected. She was a lot of fun. She was easy to talk to and she talked a lot, which made it easy for me. Eventually, we exchanged numbers and separated.

When I got home I was met by my brother.

"Where have you been, young lady?" Lukas crossed his arms and looked down at me, he was about 4 inches taller than me. He's got our father's genes. He's 5'11 while I'm stuck at my 5'1 size. "Out with..." Is she a friend? "Out with who?" Lukas tried intimidating me. "Just a friend," I said and sat on the couch.

I heard my brother laughing. "What?" I was getting annoyed by him. "You have friends?"

"Ha ha, very funny," I growled and turned on the TV. I tried blocking him out.

I took out my laptop and the sheet where our first assignment was written. I had 3 assignments for this week. Most of them were about yourself, wrote about yourself, introduce yourself,...

I started with the assignment that was already due tomorrow. For Criminology I have to write about myself, why I chose the subject and my major.

I started writing. I have no idea why teachers ask this, they say to get to know their students, but why?

I wrote a whole paragraph about my major and why I chose Criminology as my add-on subject.

I want to become a psychologist, I chose Criminology as my add-on subject because I thought It'd be interesting.

I quickly finished all my work and made some dinner for Lukas and me.


Thank you so much for reading this! I know it sucks at the moment. Trust me, it'll become more interesting from the next chapter on.

I have noticed that these Teacher x student stories always progress so quickly. I wanna slow my story down a bit. If I notice it's becoming boring I'll speed it up a bit.

Just lemme know what you think.

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