Eight. AD

158 2 3

Andrea Davis

"Let's watch a movie now shall we," Damian asked when he sat down on the huge sofa. I gladly joined him. We started up the first movie. I had already texted my brother I would be home late so he wouldn't be worried. Little by little I leaned into Damian more. I rested my hand on his thigh and felt his on mine. I enjoyed being this close to him.

"Damian?" I said his name in an asking tone. He looked down at me, I looked back at him. His lips looked way too inviting for me to ignore. I quickly attached our lips. Damian kissed back and guided me on his lap.

He squished my ass slightly making me whimper. Damian used that as the opportunity to allow his tongue into my mouth. We made out passionately and I felt my panties wetting. Damian felt the same way because I felt his sex poking mine.

"Someone's excited," I whispered against his lips. He groaned and kissed me again. I wanted him as much as he wanted me. The only problem was, how do I tell him I've never done something like this before?

Damian backed up a bit and took my face in his hand. "You want what I want, right?" I nodded. "Have you done this before?" I was relieved he asked it, but was it that obvious? The fact I didn't reply was enough for him to draw his conclusions.

"If you want this, I'll be gentle," He said and held my face his eyes looked so sweet and gentle. If I was gonna lose it I wanted it to be someone like him. I nodded.

Damian took off my shorts while kissing me down my jawline to my neck. All I could do was massage his head while letting him take control. He pulled off my shirt revealing a black lacy bra. He looked me in the eyes before taking off my bra.

I took his shirt off and let my hands run over his muscles. He was packed but not too much where it was ugly. He was the right amount of muscle and I wanted it to be mine and mine alone. I know that's not the case but I hope it can be someday.

I took a bit too long to admire his body because he turned us over so he was on top. He smirked when he saw the small tattoo on my ass. "So this is the secret tattoo?" He said and took off his sweatpants. Then there went my panties.

I felt his fingers slowly enter my hole. He pushed them in and out at a steady and slow pace until I got used to the feeling. I moaned loudly, this was his sign to speed up and pump his fingers inside of me. I soon felt a knot in my stomach, "Damian, I feel-" I cut myself off with a moan. "Yes baby, come for me," he smirked and kissed me while I orgasmed. That was the first time in my life I orgasmed but it felt amazing.

I barely got any rest before Damian had his hard-on pulled out and ready to enter. "Are you sure about this?" I nodded and leaned back on the sofa. He took a condom from a box next to the sofa and put it on. He slowly entered, inch by inch, he was huge but easy to get used to. I signalled to him to start moving, I was a virgin, but I had tried experimenting before so I wasn't as tight. I moaned at every thrust, this felt exactly like my dream.

"Fuck baby," I heard Damian curse under his breath while my moans filled the room. He kissed my neck to my breasts. He took the left one with his mouth while using his hand on the other.

After a few more trusts we came together. He pulled out and cleaned me up after throwing the condom in the bin in the kitchen.

He came back to the sofa where I lay on my back half asleep. He crawled on top of me and gave me a deep kiss before putting my clothes back on and covering me up with a blanket. I smiled at him. "Thank you," I said softly and leaned into him. "Thank you for trusting me," Damian kissed my head and before we knew we passed out on the sofa.


I woke up to the smell of pancakes and bacon. I sat up, my legs felt sore from the activities Damian and I had done last night.

I groaned when I sat up. But after a quick scan of the room I saw Damian in the kitchen. He looked sex with his sweatpants that barely rested on his hips, he didn't have a shirt on. I got up and walked to the kitchen.

"Good morning butterfly," Damian smirked and plated my plate with pancakes. "Do you eat meat?" he asked. "Yeah, I do. Why did you ask?" He smiled and put some bacon on my plate. "When we went out for lunch you ordered a veggie wrap, so I wasn't sure," he was so considerate. The longer we spent time together the more things I liked about him.

I smiled and thanked him for the food. We ate the food together. There was not a moment of silence between us, we never ran out of stuff to talk about.

"So, you're saying you found Mrs Landon and Mr Lambert in the teacher's room on top of each other?" I laughed at the story. It felt nice to know tea no one else knew. But I had to promise to keep it for myself. "Isn't Mrs. Landon married?" I asked.

Damian nodded and poured a cup of coffee for himself. He wanted to offer me some but I don't drink coffee unless it's iced and has a ton of Caramel in it.

"I didn't take you for the type to gossip," I said to Damian with a smirk. He shrugged, "I didn't take you for the type to like gossip." I giggled and shrugged, "I guess I'm full of surprises."

I checked my phone to see 3 missed calls and 27 messages from Lukas. I quickly unlocked my phone to see the messages.

Where are you?
Are you okay?
Andrea Davis?
Do I need to call 911?

I groaned and replied a quick sorry and I said I was at a friend's house. Good thing I've been making some friends this year or I would've been busted.

I was glad it was a Saturday which meant no school.

"Can I freshen up somewhere?" I asked Damian who was loading the dishwasher. He turned to me and dried his hands. "Yeah let me show you," he led me to a bathroom that had everything I needed. Shampoo, conditioner, a 3-step face wash, raisers,...

"Would mind if I joined you, butterfly?" He smirked and held my hips in his hands. I smiled at him and shook my head. "I would love some company," I said and closed the door behind him.


See ya!! ;)

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