Two. AD

212 5 7

Andrea Davis

I woke up to a phone call, no caller ID. I groaned and picked up, "Hello?" I said with a raspy voice.

"Hey, Andrea!" I heard a chirpy voice say.

"Jessica?" I said, still half sleeping.

"Do you have any classes right now?"

"Uhm, no, but I have two in the afternoon," I said after thinking about the question she asked a second too long.

"I know girl, we share those two," Jessica giggled. "You don't sound like you're awake."

"I just woke up," I looked at my alarm clock to see it was already 11 am. "Shit, I slept in," groan and get out of bed.

"Wanna grab lunch? We could get something to eat and then go to class together." Jessica asked.

"That would be nice, yeah," I said.

We agreed to meet in an hour at a local food bar.

I quickly got ready. I took a shower, brushed my hair, and did my makeup. I put on a brown tight sweater and a light brown skirt. I decided on thighs and white leg warmers. I smiled at myself in the mirror.

I said goodbye to my brother and went out to the food bar.

I arrived first and sat at a table in the corner. I ordered a water while waiting.

Jessica arrived shortly. I hadn't noticed her presents until I heard her happy voice. "Adrea!" She smiled and hugged me.

We soon ordered our lunch, I went for a buffalo chicken wrap and Jessica- I mean Jess ordered a Chicken Caesar salad with extra chicken.

"Have you seen the Crimi teacher?" Jess asked with a smirk. "What about him?" I asked, he was a regular teacher. "He looked so fine," she smirked and took a big bite. "Was he? I didn't look at him." That's a lie, I did nothing but look at him. He's what you call... a Greek god...

"That's a lie girl, I saw you staring," Jess smirked at me. I flushed red. "Was I that obvious?" Jess just nodded with her smirk still plastered on her face.

"You look too innocent to be," Jess called out. "How do I look innocent?" I looked at her with a questioning look. Did I look like that? "You're wearing a brown polo shirt with a white shirt underneath and a skirt, you're the definition of an innocent Pinterest girl."

I rolled my eyes playfully with a smile on my face. "Shut up."

We finished our food and made our way to campus. First up was History Psychology and then Criminology.


This time we actually learned something, yesterday was all about getting to know each others and explaining what we'd be doing this trimester.

I typed away everything Mr. Lores was explaining about what goes on in the brain of a serial killer, about the traumatic things that can lead to becoming like that.

I looked and listened to him intensely, at one point we even made eye contact. I quickly looked down at my laptop when it happened. His gaze is so intense, but exciting.

50 minutes flew by in no time and before we knew we were packing up. Due to all my notes it took extra long to pack up. When I was done the room was empty accept for Jess, me, and Mr. Lores. We still had to submit our assignments so I walked up to the front of the room with both Jess' and my papers. "Here are our assignments," I smiled and handed them in.

He nodded and took them from me. I quickly made my way back to Jess.

"Have a good day girls," I heard him say when we exited the room. "You too sir," Jess said and wrapped an arm around me. I smiled at him with a small nod.

"Could I come over to your place? I don't really get the material," Jess asked. I already knew why she didn't understand it, in psychology she was eyeing the boy who sat next to us.

"Sure," I smiled. We took the bus to get to the apartment building I live. I warned Jess about my brother before entering my home.

"I love your apartment," Jessica smiled and looked around. "Thanks, but most of this is Lukas' stuff," I said. There were 5 guitars on display and basically all the decorations are his.

We made ourselves comfortable on my couch and revised the material we have seen today. "Mr. Lores totally looking at you today," She whispered to me. "What?" I said in shock. He wasn't looking at me. We only accidentally made eye contact.

"He was looking at you the whole time," she smirked and took a sip of a bottle of wine we had opened earlier. "No way. Maybe by accident," my reaction made Jess roll her eyes. "You don't let yourself dream, do you?"

I didn't know what to say to that, maybe she was right and he was looking at me. But what then? I admit he's attractive, but he's my teacher. I can't even flirt with boys my age, let alone an older man.

"How old do you think he is?" Jess asked randomly when she noticed I was quiet. "I don't know, maybe his late 30s?"

"How arousing, he's literally double your age," Jess smirked and leaned back into the couch.

"Yeah yeah," I muttered and drank the last bit of wine in my glass.


Still building up, have faith in me! 🤞

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