𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐦𝐮𝐠𝐬

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NOW PLAYINGsomeone new - Hozier

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someone new - Hozier

IT WAS NOW 3 O'CLOCK in the afternoon it was raining slightly, Claudette was walking down the road staring at shops window displays seeing if anything caught her eye

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IT WAS NOW 3 O'CLOCK in the afternoon it was raining slightly, Claudette was walking down the road staring at shops window displays seeing if anything caught her eye. The young girl had Hozier blasting through her earphones, she stared down slightly at the floor making sure she doesn't trip as the street was slightly downhill

After 5 minutes she had finally made it to the cafe, she stood near the entrance admiring the fall designed reef hanging on it, as she opened the door the ring of the bell chimed, once she stepped in Claude looked around. For a small town a lot of people were in here, as 6 out of 7 tables were full of laughing,happy friends and families. A voice spoke as she walked up to the ordering counter
"Claudette, hello lovely how are you today, the fall usual im guessing? a hot chocolate?" the voice was of Lori Fleming the owner of the cafe. Lori adored Claudette and Claudette adored her just as much. Ever since Claude was a little girl she would come here with her mom or sister and as she got older she came by herself. Some weeks the 14 year old would be in here everyday especially in fall but any season she would atleast come 3 times out of the 7 day week. Lori was about 40 years old a short woman with curly caramel coloured hair, over the years the two had built a friendship,
"you know me so well Lori! how has you're day been? its very busy in here today"
the two talked about Lori's manic day and more, the conversation was still going as the older woman handed her the hot chocolate with marshmallows and two biscuits on the little plate, Claude pulled out her purse but Lori pushed her purse back refusing to take her money
"go,go drink the more you argue the more colder it will be" Lori scolded with a smile
"you need to stop giving me free drinks Lori but thank you i appreciate it!"

Claudette made her way to the two seat table next to the front window as the view was her favourite, as she looked out the window she saw the cobblestone street ahead with the colourful houses in front of the forest of pine trees, she enjoyed seeing it and seeing the people walk by, even though there was a big chance she knew them, The young girl went back to testing her chocolate to see if its the right temperature and retrieving her journal from her tote bag

The chime of the bell made her look up to the door to see a curly haired boy walk in, she knew exactly who it was, the 'town's celebrity', Walker Scobell, he went to school with Claude though they havent spoke since he stole her toy cat in kindergarten, Claudette watched the new Percy Jackson show when it came out last month, she read the books with a group of people at recess in the 4th grade. The brunette went back to writing outfit ideas and morning routines she knows she will never do in her daily life, she sipped her hot chocolate Hozier still playing earphones but quieter as the girl was now wary of her surroundings. Claudette realises the only seat is opposite her on her table she prays the famous boy is buying and taking it as a to order to go do his famous duties, she watched him discreetly as he looked around also realising the only seat was next to claudette. The girl looked up seeing his cup was not a to go it was the cute red mugs that every hot chocolate in pinewood cafe was drunk out of. Walker moved closer slowly,
"Uh im sorry to disturb you but um there's no other seats.."
Claudette listened to him, his voice was deeper, she had last seen him months ago before he went off filming. He had changed a lot and not in a bad way, his curls were tighter, he had more of a manly face and he was now tall. The boy was wearing baggy dark blue jeans and a black fitted knit sweater, the sleeves slightly pulledup, she had to admit he looked great
"uh sure! no worries!"

The young boy took a seat glancing over at her then her notebook on the table. Just like Claude done earlier dipping his finger slightly into the hot chocolate checking if its the right temperature he smiled figuring out it was. Claudette smiled at this as she was secretly watching, she does the same exact thing when she gets her hot chocolate.

Claudette decided to go against asking about his career she decided to pretend she didn't know who he was in that way and he was only a boy from her school, she kept trying to focus on her notebook scribbling on it writing words with also trying to not freak out that a celebrity was sitting in front of her

"you listen to Hozier?" the voice from opposite her spoke, she took out one of her earphones realising he was looking at her home screen as Hoziers album cover took over the screen, the song 'someone new' playing. Walker then spoke again
"sorry i didn't mean it in a weird looking over at your phone way! i just saw it and uh yeah"
Claudette chuckled at his words
"i love Hozier he's definitely my favourite singer of all time hes so underrated!"
"no way me too! i love him his voice is amazing" walker said his eyes lighting up
"also- im so sorry but i know you go too my school but im not to sure of your name?"
"Claudette" she replied she decided to ask him to though she already knew his name "what about you?"
"Walker!" he smiled
Claudette wasnt bothered with his company she decided to keep the conversation going
"school in two days i am so not ready" she said scolding herself from bringing up school out of anything else there is to talk about
"me either, i wish the summer holidays was in the fall i much prefer it over summer"
"me too! i hate the really hot weather and wasps! don't get me started on wasps!"
they both chuckled and thats where there rant started about how there are more cons of summer then pros

it had now been about an hour and they were still in deep conversation, until walkers face dropped
"it was so nice talking to you but i was supposed to be home ten minutes ago, im so sorry hopefully see you around claudette!"
"okay, you might wanna be quick! goodbye!" Walker waved and smiled and ran out of the cafe, while Claude packed up to get ready to also head home

She stood up dusting off her clothes and picked up her tote then waved goodbye to Lori before turning up her music and taking the long scenic route back home

✎Wrote by em •omg they met they're such cuties •i saw this one edit of walker and that's what inspired me to write this fanfic icel•hope you liked chapter 2 don't forget to vote!!!

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Wrote by em
omg they met they're such cuties
•i saw this one edit of walker and that's what inspired me to write this fanfic icel
•hope you liked chapter 2 don't forget to vote!!!

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