"𝐌𝐫𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐫𝐨"

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NOW PLAYINGMrs Magic- Strawberry guy

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Mrs Magic- Strawberry guy

CLAUDETTE LAID ON her bed waiting for Walker to arrive so they can hangout, Claude was re-reading Little Women for the millionth time, She loved the book , She screamed when she found out Timothee Chalamet was playing Theodore back in 2019

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CLAUDETTE LAID ON her bed waiting for Walker to arrive so they can hangout, Claude was re-reading Little Women for the millionth time, She loved the book , She screamed when she found out Timothee Chalamet was playing Theodore back in 2019. Adelaide and Claudette watched it every other day for the first few months it came out on TV.

The brunette headed downstairs to make a hot chocolate as her mom and sister were in the Kitchen
"Claudie when's you're little boyfriend coming" Addie said walking around the island counter
"he's not my boyfriend"
"he might as well be! you obviously like him!" She said back
"i don't know Addie! i've never really been close with a boy before other then Jasper"

What she was saying was true, Claudette didn't know how she felt nor what it was she was feeling, it was like a new emotion. There was no way to describe it. When the girl was around him she had this bubbly feeling inside of her, every time he was close her heart raced and she felt heat raise to her cheeks. Truthfully the teenage girl did not know what to do. So she decided it was best to just push it to the back of her mind.

Claude was now walking carrying her hot chocolate to her room, she put her Clairo vinyl on her record player smiling as the sound of her voice started sailing around her room. The girl sat back down on her bed picking her book again carrying on from when she last left off from.

It had now been 10 mins and she decided to put on her Strawberry Guy record on. Mrs Magic started playing , she sung along to the lyrics flipping the page of her book

"Mrs Magic to and fro"

"Your reading Little Women again? it's like October 15th and you had finished it October 4th?"
A masculine voice spoke up, Walker stood at the door eventually laying next to her as she sat crossed legged slightly smacking him with her book
"it's my FAVOURITE i just had to read it again i missed the girls, me and Addie also watched it last week"
"well i'll let you get back to it,i found one of those tiktok series with loads of parts and i got addicted before i came and i NEED to finish it, i ended on a cliffhanger" The curly haired boy ranted on as Claude got back into her book

The only annoying thing about walker is his volume would always be turned up so loud, she couldn't hear her record player
"gosh Walker turn it down please i can't hear my music"
He looked up to her giving her the side eye, instead of turning it down he stood up turning off her record player before laying back down his head closer to her leg now, she could feel herself blushing
"wow" Claude rolled her eyes

It had now been a good 30 minutes, Claudette was deep into her book as Walker was still scrolling through tiktok
"yes walk"
"oh, anyways, should i get a lizard, and call it.. Lizard!"
"that lizard would not last 5 minutes under your care" Claudette replied looking down locking eyes with the boy smiling laying next to her
"i love your dog where is he?" Walker asked changing the subject
"he's in Addies room, i actually do feel like annoying her let's go"

The duo walked into Adelaide's room, Claude's older sister was up her desk as Bug was on her bed, Adelaide was on the phone to Sophia
"Bug!" Walker said laying on the bed cuddling the big dog
"Why are you two here?"
"am i not allowed to come see my beautiful amazing sister" Claude said hugging her sister very tightly  messing up the older girls hair, saying hi to her sisters best friend on the phone

Claudette and Walker laid on Addies bed,the boy going into a star shape trying to squish the younger sister to the side, Claude done it back before over lapping him, her right arm and leg laying over his left side
"okay this room is full of to much flirting get out"

Claudette and Waker were back in the position they first were originally in the young girls room, after awhile she looked down concerned she had not heard a dumb question or scenario come out of Walkers mouth in a while,
The sight she saw melted her heart in the best way possible, his curls covered a part of her leg , he looked peaceful his face soft, his mouth slightly parted, small breaths coming out, he looked pretty, Walker was fast asleep. Claudette sneakily pulled out her phone taking a picture remembering to turn off the flash before

Claude was coming to the end of her chapter as she felt her eyes getting heavy, She placed the book on the side slightly closing her eyes to rest them, Walkers head was now practically on her thigh as well as his hand, cuddling it as such, she straightened out her legs moving down a tad to be comfier, before she knew it Claude had also drifted off into a slumber

"Claudie do you know where the- oh." Adelaide walked into her younger sisters room seeing the two laying on the bed fast asleep.
Walkers head was now on her stomach/ lower abdomen, his hand still on her leg, Claude's hand was in his hair as the younger girls head was on his. Adelaide knew Claude's neck was gonna hurt when she awoke but still cheesed at the sight

"oh my Soph look. at. this." The older sister whispered into her phone, She flipped the camera showing her best friend before taking a picture giggling leaving the room.

@claudibelle posted to her story!



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✎ Wrote by em• sorry for the non daily updates i've been really busy with school•i cut my fringe (bangs) back in and regret it sm•anyways don't forget to vote and comment🫶

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Wrote by em
sorry for the non daily updates i've been really busy with school
•i cut my fringe (bangs) back in and regret it sm
•anyways don't forget to vote and comment🫶

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