Chapter 7: The Turbulent Storm

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Tsuna'll be honest, it's rather cute how G kept a wide berth from him, standing at length like Tsuna was a stray cat he was afraid would bolt if he took a step closer.

"He's scared of me, Giotto," G whispered.

"That's your own fault, I'm not helping you." And Giotto was just going to let him hang out to dry like that.

Tsuna wasn't particularly wary of him. He reminded him of Hayato and that was very endearing. The flame tattoo was cool, too. But they seemed more interested in their little quarrel than actually concerned about whether they would be hated for eternity by a young child, so Tsuna let it be.

"What am I supposed to do," G grumbled, "small things are always running from me. I'm not the leader for a reason... Even Biscotti only tolerates me."

"Speaking of Conny," Giotto said, "did you leave her behind?"

"No, she snuck out," G groaned. "I was going to ask if Damiano knew where she was, but then I heard the servants say you brought a child into the building and I lost sight of my goal from there."

"At least you admit it."

Giotto sighed.

Tsuna wondered who Biscotti was— that was such a strange name for a person, but it was cute. And her apparently wandering nature reminded Tsuna of Uri, Hayato's Box Animal cat.

Which made some sense. Somehow, instead of Box Animals— of course, those were only invented by Giannini in Tsuna's era— the Primo of this world had servants that strongly reminded him of their old partners.

Damiano's life force even felt like Giotto's flames. Tsuna wondered if something in this world allowed people to share so much of their Will.

(But did this world even have the fire of Dying Will?)

(He hoped not, honestly. He learned the hard way how wrong Flames could go when used too much.)

The loud thundering of feet and yelps could be heard in the hallway, and Giotto sighed.

"Looks like they're home."

Giotto opens the door before Damiano could reach the knob. He had wanted to catch his breath on it before coming in, but he couldn't, which meant he came spilling right through the door with a scream.


"Eep!" cried the person that had, presumably, jumped onto Damiano before he lost his balance, and now was sprawled right over Damiano's back as they both tumbled facefirst onto the carpet. "Owie!"

"It's always a ruckus when you both are around," Giotto mourned his peace. "Dami, is Conny bullying you again?"

And Damiano proceeded to immediately whine, "help me, Count Vongola!" like he was moments before bursting into tears.

"Biscotti!" G raised his voice, "get off Damiano, right this instant!"

The young lady who could only be this aforementioned Biscotti straightened up with a pout, her clothes short and lackadaisical especially for a girl in this era. Her hair was cropped short and messy, and the messenger cap hid the top of her head.

She looked around the room with eyes an enchanting mix of gold and red, and she chuckled mischievously at the sight of Tsuna.

"You're so cute!" she pranced right over, ignoring G's warning shout of her name, "the rumours were true! Gio-gio's got a kiddo now, he looks just like you!!"

Tsuna was surprised that she didn't immediately engulf him in a hug. Instead, she hung over the back of the couch and swooned over him like he was a trophy.

"Don't hound him," Giotto said, helping Damiano to his feet.

"I'm gonna tell everyone!" she beamed.

"Do not!" G snapped.

"Only in the family," Giotto relented, knowing there was no stopping her. "Now that the both of you are here, though, I need you guys to do something for me."

Damiano and Biscotti looked at him.

"Take Tsuna with you and go buy him a new wardrobe, and anything else he'll need in town," Giotto said. "Don't worry about the budget."

"Yes, Count Vongola," Damiano straightened and bowed. "I also have the progress report for the orphanage in town. Would you like to see to it?"

"It can wait until tonight. Can you compile it with Biscotti's location report and get it to me when you're back?"

"Sure!" Biscotti agreed before him.

Damiano sighed. "Of course, sir."

Biscotti was, after all, the one to give him the list of orphanages in the first place. She was the town's best information broker in terms of the civilians, and she was the only reason Giotto found the child to begin with.

Damiano crouched down by the couch and approached Tsuna.

"Hi there, young master," Damiano greeted, his voice gentle. "I'm Damiano, Count Vongola's personal aide. It's very nice to meet you."

Tsuna nodded, a little shy.

He was such a gentleman! He didn't remember the last time he was treated so sweetly— back in his last life, everyone was either professional and curt, outright hostile, or if they were kind it was because they were sarcastic or currying favour from him.

But Damiano was completely genuine.

"It's... nice to meet you too," he said. "I'm Tsuna."

Damiano smiled. "Alright, Young Master Tsuna," he said. "May I pick you up? Let's go out and do some shopping."

At Tsuna's bashful nod, Damiano picked him up on his arm, resting Tsuna against a shoulder as he rose. Biscotti approached them, too, now that they were all at the same level, holding out a hand.

"Hi there, Whiskers!" she greeted, "I'm Big Sis Conny!"

Tsuna blushed. "H- Hi, Big Sis Conny?"

She cooed at him. "That's right! Now, let's go!" she led the march out the door.

"Hold on, I'm not done with you, Biscotti!" G snarled.

"Yes you are, goodbye~" she slammed the door after Damiano passed through, sticking out her tongue. She swirled back around to Damiano's exhausted expression and grins at Tsuna's exasperated one. "He's such a nag, don't you think?"

"I don't know how he tolerates you," Damiano said, dryly.

"Shopping!" Biscotti declared, and marched on forth.

Tsuna thought they were adorable. The Turbulent Storms indeed. 

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