Chapter 8: Paperwork

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"Now..." Giotto turned to G, now that the child was gone. "I'd give this straight to Biscotti, but I think this might involve you more."

He handed G an opened letter.

G raised a brow skeptically, but took in its contents with a frown.

Biscotti specialises in information gathering among civilians, the underground, and the slums. But G, after gaining the title of a Viscount— now mingles with nobility, and intercepts information chains much higher up the pyramid of society.

"Who would be so brazen as to use the symbol of a crown in this nation?" G wondered, "the king does not use it in his seal, but it's still treasonous."

"Either it's someone who's ignorant, or someone who doesn't think he'll get consequences," Giotto said. "I followed the instructions, and I found Tsuna at the end of it. G, I really don't know what that child could be."

He is a child that the Heavens have long forsaken.

This was a phrase that could offend the church, too. Whoever wrote this must fear neither god nor man— and honestly, it seemed as though he felt spite for both sides.

"I need you to find out who sent it, G," Giotto said, and it was much like an order. "And if my instincts are right... this won't be the end of it."

It's rare for G to see Giotto genuinely furious.

Their journey to eradicate the darkness of the underground and seize Giotto's current position as Count— it was arduous, and much rougher than any of them would have liked. Knuckle and Asari wanted to put it all in the past and move on— But for Giotto to put that face on again for a child? It's right on brand.

G was always a sucker for Giotto's favours.

"I'll do it," G tucked the letter into his pocket. "Is that why you sent the kid out with those two? As protection?"

"And bait, as much as I don't want to admit it," Giotto said. "I don't know what was after that child that this letter sought me out to protect him. But I want to know if they'll keep coming after him when I put him under my protection— that's why I sent them out now."

Now, to spread rumours of Tsuna's existence— and to draw out anyone hastily looking.

Damiano's the strongest they have right now, and no stalkers can ever miss Biscotti's detection. They're the best guards anyone could ask for.

"In the meantime, though..." Giotto turned toward his desk with a miserable sigh. "Uhm... how do I register Tsuna as my child? I need advice. It's harder to do as a Count, right?"

G wanted to laugh.

"Am I supposed to register him as my illegitimate child? I don't care about my reputation but what if Tsuna gets bullied?" Giotto agonized, "but I can't adopt him, he looks too much like me and I have no siblings. But I can't say he's my official kid either, I can't explain the lack of a wife! And am I supposed to debut him socially? I don't want to, Tsuna can stay home forever if he wants, he doesn't have to inherit this pain-in-the-ass County right? Maybe one of you guys should take him instead. I hate being a noble!"

G groaned, "let's just call Daemon, then. He'll know what to do. And if we need a guarantor to shut anyone up, we can always ask Rampo to be the guest of honour."

"No! They're both insufferable to get help from!"

"If you complain one more time you're on your own, shitcase!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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