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♛Aishwari pov♛

I don't know when I grew tired of crying and attempting to free myself from the chains she locked around my hands and legs. Now, I'm gazing outside, trying to distance myself from the woman sitting beside me, pondering why I'm in this situation. However, I couldn't find any answers to that question.

Feeling unnerved and on the verge of breaking down again, I took a deep breath in and out to suppress all these emotions and think rationally. Yet, I couldn't find anything rational to focus on at the moment, so I pondered why they would kidnap me. While I could think of many reasons, I couldn't settle on one. Therefore, I decided to be foolish and ask them, even though the chances of them revealing the truth were slim. But I had no other alternative to find out, so I asked, "Why are you two doing this?"

"Because you're the first one who caught both of our attention," said the woman.

"Huh... what?" I asked, confused.

"That we would love to know more about you, darling," said the man.

"So, if you want to learn about someone, do you just force them to come with you?" I asked, trying hard to suppress my anger.

"Oh... No, sweetheart, it's our first time, so do tell me how good we were in it," said the woman as she came closer and put her two fingers under my chin to lift my head, only for my eyes to meet hers. While my eyes showed anger and fear together, hers showed something else that I couldn't describe. And I could see her eyes falling to my lips and back to my eyes.

"Do you remember where we first met?"

"Yeah, at mansion of -" I began, but before I could complete my sentence, she tsked and said, "Wrong answer, sweetheart. Try to remember when we first met" she said with a smirk decorating her face.

When I met them at Alicia's mansion, I knew I had seen them before, but I couldn't remember where, and still, I can't remember when. While I tried hard to recall every situation where I could have met them, I couldn't find myself remembering anything.

When we reached in front of a gate massive and ornate, exuding a sinister grandeur with its looming presence and gilded adornments, I panicked even more after knowing we reached the place that was their destination.

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(I'll upload the next chap when I get a comment 😉)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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