With a Little Help from My Friends

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As the band strung out the drummer's name in a gentle harmony, everyone seemed to be grouped together, sort of family-like. The atmosphere was warm and comfortable, and the sun was glowing which cast a soft heat.

"Biiilllllyyy Shears!" The band sung and the crowd cheered.

A man in a vibrant pink suit, brown hair and a fab moustache began to sing. He had an infectious smile that influenced the audience, head shaking causing his hair to bounce from side to side.

As he sang, he looked to his bandmates - the song clearly addressed to them. They were like a jigsaw. When all the pieces are together, the jigsaw is perfect. But if something happens to a single piece, it is always incomplete.

"I get by with a little help from my friends!"

The atmosphere was jovial and everyone was dancing around. The men were perfectly in time, synchronised, never missing a beat.

The song rang true, all four of them worked so well together: a machine, a unit. Skilful, careful, yet so relaxed.

In a flowing, floral smock dress, a woman with round shades on danced up front of the stage with her child, a little girl with daisies tucked neatly in her hair. They soon helped get everyone dancing and having fun.

Sunshine rays beamed down onto the chartreuse blades of grass, sun-bleached lighter than the emerald green leaves upon the ancient trees nearby. Aquamarine skies were cloudless; clear as crystal.

"Yes I get by with a little help from my friends with a little help from my frieeeeeeends!" They sung together and after finishing the song, bowed. Everyone clapped and cheered for the band and they smiled and said thank you.

After a while, the band walked off stage and everyone carried on with other activities at the fête. Free food was set out on the table: sandwiches, jelly, salad, pasta, pie and much more. These things were laid out in a beautiful way - flowers scattered around and the food carved out into different shapes.

Soon, the band came over and ate some things. The fête-goers came over and talked with them sweetly, being sure to be polite. Their conversations were short but appreciated, and after they had eaten they wandered behind the stage.

Hello again! I hope you enjoyed this part of the 'story'. Some parts are quite random as it was hard for me to come up with many ideas for it. Apologies for it being so short. Also, I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, my life has been disrupted by an accident involving a drag queen - but I won't go into it. Please vote, I'd love for my stories to be read by more people!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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