☆Rain☆Crowley (angel y/n)

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It’s a Sunday, the day of rest.. the weather perfectly suits this day as it’s raining, so you assume that you wouldn’t be very enticed to go outdoors.
It’s quiet and tranquil, and you  are catching up on your reading. Until you feel a familiar essence approach, the radius.Crowley barges into your bookshop. “Angel?!” He comes in drenched, his hair carrying droplets of water as it flops over his face and his glasses covered in rain water.

(You look up at him as you find it rude that he just crashed in."Oh, you're wet," you said in an unpleased tone as you don't like to be interrupted when reading.

He smiles, brushing his wet hair out of his face with one hand. “I’d appreciate it if you could be a good sport and not mock my miserable state, Angel.”

"Hhmm.. It's funny, tho plus you deserved it for disturbing me, so I can mock you, crowley."As you were saying this, a small smile form on your face still not taking your eyes off of your book.

He makes a noise of annoyance as he pulls up a seat beside you. “You’re one cold-hearted Angel, y’know that?” He looks over at the book you’re reading and cocks his head “And what’s it that’s interesting enough to keep your attention so?”

"I'm not cold hearted I'm just... annoyed that's all.And this book is more interesting then you."

He chuckles as he leans back in the chair. He grabs the book from you and squints at the text. “No need to be so rude. This must really be a book of substance if you think I should be offended that you find it more interesting than me..”

"Hey, give it back! You're going to get the book all wet!"Your voice is going a bit high pick as usual are talking.You don't want him to know what you're reading about.

He chuckles, not even looking at you as he flips through the pages. “Oh, so it’s a love novel then? That’s adorable, I knew you had a romantic side to you. And I won’t ruin your book..” He glances over at you, smirking.

"You better not!Now go get chaged into the spare clothes upstairs and then mabye I tell you alright?"

"Fine. Angel~"

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