Letting go

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The final passenger,get out of the train,as the robotic monotonous voice wishpered,

Choking a little..

The long wall between us stood as guard..

Love,did it touch your heart?

If not,feel it slowly..

Open the diary and read the letters to someone you love..

I hope they would cherish it as a gift from a friend far away..


I wish to let you go..

If you are mine,you would come back..

If not..

It's always a broad way.

I won't ask about you to wind,or rain..

But please remember to give me a thankful bow..

Even if not cupid,somewhat I am your distant mother..

Too distant..

That we won't meet ever again..

I wish for eternity,I would forget this place..

And never turn back ever again.

As a gift of letting go..

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