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I would be successful without you,her words echoed in the vacant room..

And he smiled a little .

Go ahead,be that..

He said as he watched her walk out flipping her hair..

The high heels created a rhythm ruthless enough to destroy him..

The fragrance of someone else,that she had applied on her body as she had not gone back home,

It made him feel suffocated in the wide open room..

Almost rushing to the window he opened the curtains,may be to let the wind pass,

Or to get the last glimpse of her as she left..

Something broke there..

With a wish..

To never show her the eyes filled with longing to see her smile..

The foolish little puppy following her, everywhere..

Or the guy at her beck and call..

To never show her how broken he is without her.

That even in forgetfulness all he searched was her .

That in nights alone,he got up,as if hearing her call..

That countless times he could forget the distance of time and space..

Just to get one touch of hers..

Yes,he wished her to be successful..

Successful in breaking him apart.

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