Chapter 3 - Good News and Fresh Biscuits

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(Safiyyahs POV)

Cars beeped as parents greeted their children after school. I was among the sea of students pouring out of the gates of Southport State High School.

I hurried along to my dad's white Toyota, thrusted my backpack into the boot, then jumped into the passenger seat, greeting Dad quickly and strapping myself in eagerly. He had agreed to drop me at Rose's house straight after school, just like she suggested last night.

I relaxed into my seat and pulled out a half-eaten muesli bar that was supposed to have been my lunch, pulling the packaging back and taking a hard bite, attempting to control the funny mixture of anxiety and excitement bubbling in my gut.

Dad turned on the radio as golden afternoon sun bathed the road and a light breeze rippled the trees and blew in lazily through the car windows. Tired faces peered out of passing cars as Ruth B began to sing.

Dad hummed along to Ruth's gentle voice as he pulled the car up in front of Rose's house. 'Here we are, have fun!' he said as I climbed out. 'Say hello to Cassandra for me.' he added, before I smiled and nodded.

He drove off just as the front door burst open and Rose came tumbling down the steps and flew across the lawn to greet me. She stopped for a split second, collecting herself, then I gave her a tight hug.

'Hey, Saf! How are you?' she cried, taking my bag.

'Hey, Rose! I'm alright.' I replied, then took a breath as the excitement bubbled up my throat and flew out of my mouth. 'Fight club, I need to tell you about fight club.' I blurted. 'It's good news, I promise.' I added hastily.

Rose laughed. 'Good-o. I just baked biscuits.' 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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