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Dear readers,

I'm sorry..I would love to continue writing this book but I just can't,I don't know why but my brain and body I suppose just dies down quick so I burn out very fast ,you know? Maybe if I went outside more then maybe I would be writing stories,before you comment something I would like to say this wasn't my original plan,I was supposed to post a bunch of stories today so you could read them all! However I just physically can't.i think I will just take a break for a bit,maybe I will post stories every now and then,maybe if possible I could do 3 stories a month! But I think right now maybe 1 a month,please don't beg for me to write,I'm working on it, but you can still send ideas! I think at this point my mental health is really bad haha, you know sometimes you have to take a break, to breath and relax. oh yes! I remember! I was thinking maybe I could do an QnA! I have never done one, you can ask me anything but nothing too personal! I will try and ask all the questions the best I can.

I'll see you soon my dear readers

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