federation tubbo🌹 (hands Part 5)

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Okay, soo here it is. Also so so sorry I keep doing updates and not stories and that I don't do many stories often, I honestly just forget and I get burnt out easily

Tubbo's pov:

It's the day after I went on the date with Fred. I couldn't sleep much this night as I had to do an interview today also I had legit kissed Fred. I realised that I should be getting a letter on when I should be arriving at the federation office around this time (3pm.) I get up from bed and walk to the elevator of the bunker. I walk over to the entrance of the warehouse and like expected there was a black chest which layed a letter that said

"Mr tubbo

Please meet at the federation office at 4pm for a meeting with cucurucho"

Okay so 4pm, in 1 hour or so, that should be enough time for me to fix the Factory, for the millionth Time, I get all my tools and start to jumpstart everything. I finish everything at 3:46pm I have 13 minutes till the meeting. I should probably get changed into more proper clothes. I head back to my room and look at my face in my mirror. I have oil over me and my hair is so messy. I try to fix my hair and wash my hands and face. I'm able to get my hair fixed and my face is a litte bit more cleaned but my hands weren't the cleanest. Oh well I don't mind to much. I change into  more cleaner clothes (a white hoodie with blue jeans) it's not 3:54 so I start to head to spawn. I decided to walk so I wasn't early. I arrive at the train station at 3:57. I head into the federation office, getting blinded by all the white, when Im down there I see a B rank worker standing there, they hand me a book saying

"Hello Mr tubbo, cucurucho has been expecting you. Follow me to his office"

they start to walk off and I follow I try to talk to them but they do not answer. Suddenly they stop and an office and gesture me to walk in. I go in and I'm met with that creepy bear.

"Good morning" cucurucho says
"H-hello cucurucho" i say. He gestures me to sit down in the chair opposite him. I sit down

"So, shall we talk about your job and relationship" he says
"I suppose so" i say

"Good, now firstly you will work in the federation as a mechanic. You will make any machines if the federation asks. You will attend the meetings if asked. Do you understand?" He states

"Y-yes" I stutter

"Good, now your relationship, you will be able to be in a relationship with WA02 but you cannot do anything while working as it could be a distraction. But you are able to do whatever after working hours." He says

"Alright, is that it?"

"Lastly, here is a document you need to fill out and after that follow me to your office"
"Oh okay" I say as he hands me the document which I fill out (name,age and ect)
"Good, now follow me" he says as he gets up and walks off. I quickly follow. He takes me to an empty office room.
"You are able to add whatever into this room, as long as it doesn't get messy."
"Alright, so do I decorate this room now?" I ask
"Yes, there are some materials in that chest over there" he says and walks off.

I start to decorate the room. I place a desk in the middle of the room with a plant on the side of the desk (Which has a computer on) i place in shelves which holds some of my backup tools i place some flower pots in the corner of the room and I say it's finished. Surprisingly this build looks decent unlike my other builds which look like prison core. As I'm putting in the last plant someone walks in. I turn around and it's Fred. I smile and say hi

"Hey Fred!" I say
"Hello, is this your office?" He asks
"Yea it is. Did cucurucho inform you about our.. relationship?" I ask
"Yeah he did, I suppose it's good that we can still, be you know" they reply
"I suppose, well do you like my office, I did it myself!"
"Hmm, well I guess it's better then prison core" he judges
"Right, well I should probably go but I might see you throughout the day" he continues and walkes out of my office

I realise that cucurucho handed my schedule when he handed the document. I look at my schedule and see that I'm working today (Tuesday) tomorrow and Friday. Not to bad, also it's only for 10am till 5pm. Except for today, i finish at 8pm, I have about 2 hours till I clock out. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be doing but I assume that someone will tell me what to do, i don't know but either way i can do it tomorrow. I decided to add a couch  at the back of my office so I can sleep. It took about half an hour to set it up, which I them layed on it and fell asleep but I had an alarm so I don't over sleep.

Fred's pov:

I go to check on tubbo Since I had finished my work and I wanted to see how he's settling in. I open his door and I look around for him until I see him asleep on his couch. I chuckle as I notice him. I walk over to him and I wake him up.

"H-huh" he says as he wakes up
"Oh hey Fred, what time is it?" He asks
"Good morning sleepy head also it's 7:54pm" i say
"Oh my shifts nearly over" he says as he gets up and stretches

"Ah okay, by the way, may I see your schedule? Just so I know when I can see mì amor" I say
"Oh sure, but what does m-me amhor (trying to pronounce it) mean?" He asks and shows me his schedule
"Oh okay so you work tomorrow and Friday, also search it up when you get home, I'll write it down so you know how it's spelt" I say while getting my note book and ripping a page out to write the words down. I pass him the note and he gently takes it and puts it in his pocket.
"Well I should probably clock out now" he says
"Alright, goodbye mì amor"
"Byee" he says and waves

Tubbo's pov:

I clock out and walk home, Luckily sunny is staying at uncle Fit's house for a couple of days so I don't have to worry to much about her. I get home and plop on to my bed and get out my phone. I search up what "mì amor" means...it means "my love" ?!?! My face goes red and I headbutt into my pillow. I try to fall asleep but fail.

Sorry I'm gonna have to end it there. Also I'm just wondering should I do more of this story, because if I am, I might as well just do a whole different story for this. Because a one shot is different stories yk. Either way you tell me, I'm not bothered. Anyways hoped you liked it!

Words: 1264

Done: Tuesday 2nd April 2024

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