Part Three: The Memorial's Big Day.

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Part Three - The Memorial's Big Day.

"What are you doing, standing there? Come on! We need to help Sarah!" I zoned out a minute ago, but with Vincent yelling, I snapped back to reality. This was clearly bad. I ran out and grabbed a bucket near the house. I filled it with water, and ran to the building, spilling it on the fire. The fire didn't go out, but it weakened it. Vincent gave me another bucket full of water, and I splashed it on the fire. The fire finally went out, and that was a relief. "My building..." Sarah walked out. She looked upset.

"Everything is broken in the store. This is great..." She said, as Hunter and Violet walked out of the building as well. Me and Vincent walked into the store. She was right. Everything was on the ground, smashed and broken. Some parts of the roof were on the floor too. Everything broke, I don't see anything that–

Then, I saw it. Maxine's memorial on the wall. It wasn't broken. It was in perfect contact, like nothing happened. No scratches, no glass broken, everything stayed the same before the lightning struck, and even after it. Is this a coincidence? "Lillian, everything here is broken. We can't fix it." Vincent said, not noticing the Memorial yet. "Look at the memorial." I told him, and he did. He looked at it. "How is this not broken? That lightning looked like it hit the building hard."

"I don't know. It might be a coincidence." I shrugged. This did look like a coincidence to me. How could this actually happen? I know, it sounds like I wished it would break, but I'm not trying to make it sound like I want it to break. I want that to be there, to respect Maxine. Whoever killed her, I hope they pay for what they did. Maxine was a good person, and now she's gone. She may rest in peace from this crazy world. I hope that person who killed her gets justice.

Then, the rest of them walked in, looking at the memorial. They were shocked, surprised. Vincent then spoke up, "Guys, me and Lillian have to go. It's something important." Sarah understood us. "Well, I hope you guys have a great day. We'll clean up this mess, don't worry about it." We waved and left the building. "Lillian, I have to talk to you about something important. We are going to find Jackson, and the only way is..." He trailed off, leaving me to think what he was talking about.

I understood him. The letter that Jackson got, the Place we needed to go, Johnson's memorial Park. "Are you saying that we are going to meet Jake? He won't know who we are!" That was true, unless Jackson told him about it. "Let's just take a big risk. We need to take risks once in our lives, and this will be one of them." "If you say so, then let's do it." I spoke. This could turn out bad, but it's whatever. We do have to take risks if we need to. Even though this is something secret between Jackson and Jack, we need to know.

5:30, and it's time to go. We left the house, and we were going to the forest. The place was in Oakland city, and it would possibly take just 10 minutes to get there. We walked past that house in the forest and walked past the cabin where Gabriel and the others lived. We just reached Oakland City, and Jeez, it's huge. I wouldn't expect this, and same with Vincent. His face showed it all. He was astonished.

We made our way through the city, and we finally made it to Johnson Memorial Park. There stood a man, who looked similar to Jackson, but his hair was the other direction. "Uh... Hey." Vincent spoke up. Jake shifted his attention to us. "Who are you two? Where is Jackson?" "I'm his cousin, and this is his friend, Vincent. We saw the letter." His face turned into a frown. "That was for Jackson only. Why are you here?"

"We wanted to meet you. I know I know, this is just between you and Jackson, but it would be a pleasure to meet you." He nodded. "That would make more sense, I see. Just don't do this again, and it is nice meeting you both." He shook both of our hands, then retracted it. "Have you guys seen Jackson anywhere?" Vincent was about to answer, but I did instead. "We don't know where he went. We were hoping to see him here as well." "Strange. I hope he saw that letter."

And just like that, Jackson and Alice showed up. "What are you guys doing here?" He'd speak. "We were worried about you both! I thought you died!" Vincent exclaimed. "Jackson, it is nice seeing you again after what happened last time. I've changed a lot. I don't work for that company anymore." Alice spoke up, "The EOTW Organization? Have you heard about Austin?" "Sadly, not. The last time I saw that guy, he was bleeding from his chest. He said that he was fine." Jackson's face just went into fear. "He's alive!? How is he alive!?" Vincent was also worried. "I thought I killed him off."

"Great, just great! Now there are two killers on the loose! Alastor and Ace! What's going to happen next? Someone is going to get hit by a car?" Jackson was mad. "Well, you kind of missed it..." Vincent spoke up now. "The green building in Wellspring got struck by lightning and lit on fire. Everything in the shop is broken now, except one thing." "And what may that be?" Alice was curious. "Well, it's very strange. You know the Memorial there?" They both nodded. "There was something strange about it."

"What do you mean?" Jackson questioned. "Well... the memorial was in perfect contact. It didn't fall off of the wall. It didn't shatter or anything. The only people that were there when the lightning struck were Me, Lillian, Sarah, Hunter, and Violet." Vincent added. "There couldn't have been anyone to protect that in the building. The chances of that happening without it moving or shattering is like a lot." One thing popped in my head. This could have been a possibility.

What if that was Maxine's Ghost?

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