Chapter 2

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Lara smiled at Grey who handed her a plate and went to sit down at one of the still empty tables. She was exhausted, today had been a long one before she had even left the Pound. After that with the shitbrains and the family reunions she was more than ready to sleep. She knew though that she was going to be fielding questions, complaints and she was sure at some point refereeing.

With a sigh she happily started tucking into the rabbit stew that was served that evening along with mashed potatoes. They'd have to start thinking about getting more food on runs with extra mouths but they should still be good for the last of the winter despite that.

Lara stifled her groan as people started sitting down at her table. Looking up she realised that at least it was mostly people she could stand and a couple of newbies.

"Princess," Merle greeted her as he sat next to her, his brother next to him. Bit sat next to Hawkeye with her mom on the other side. Kill Bill sat down on Lara's otherside as Eastwood took the last available space.

"Candyman," Lara nodded to him before scooping up more of her meal and hoping she could finish it before anyone started talking to her.

"Lara, Merle?" Carol started out with a smile.

"Yes?" Lara asked as Merle grunted, not stopping shovelling food in his mouth but he did face the woman.

"I just wanted to thank you both, Sophia told me a lot of what you've done for her. I'm really grateful," Carol said with shining eyes.

"Eh, she's not too whiny," Merle said with a grin for Bit.

"You're whinier than I am Candyman," Sophia shot back instantly and Lara grinned, shooting the kid a wink. Sophia had been really nervous around Merle for the first few days after they found her. But when Lara took her aside and said that Merle cared and wanted her safe, and that his bark was worse than his bite, she started relaxing a little. Soon the three of them had an unbreakable bond.

"You're both whiny. Now, eat your dinner like good kids," Lara said with a false air of supremacy and authority.

"Pussy!" Merle growled at her.

"Yeah!" Bit added making her mom frown but making Lara laugh.

"Are they always like this?" Carol asked Kill Bill.

"Oh yeah. Worse usually," she answered with a smug smile.

"We appreciate you taking us in like this," Eastwood started saying and she felt Merle tense up next to her. "We are going to be setting up our own watches overnight, I hope that won't be an issue."

Lara shot glances at Candyman and Kill Bill. They both looked back at her, speaking without words.

"Fine with us, as long as you stick to in front of your row of cells. Anyone wandering around our guys' places will be considered a threat though," Lara said firmly. Her gut told her these were good people, she wasn't going to rely just on that though. She couldn't and wouldn't risk anyone hurting her family.

"Understood," Rick said with a short nod.

"Oh Princess!"

Lara groaned at the voice and contemplated running. If it weren't for her ankle she would have. Merle nudged her with his elbow and she sat up straighter.

"Oh my god! Carol, Rick! Daryl! It's just so good to see you all again!" The blonde rushed out, giving Carol a hug first then moving onto Rick who she gave a longer one to and lastly Daryl who seemed to freeze under her hands. She didn't seem to notice though and basically mauled him. Lara gritted her jaw. It looked like she was going to try it with the younger Dixon next.

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