Chapter 4

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"You guys head out, Barton and me'll grab the last boxes and load them up. We'll be behind ya in no more than twenty minutes," Lara told Red and Jane. They had everything on the lists and more to boot. They'd found the stock of winter clothes, even managed to find a few more weapons and some ammo, though not much. There was more food, baby supplies for Lori and some presents for the kids. It had been a huge success. And Daryl had been a pretty awesome partner.

She had been hesitant, usually she trained for longer with any partner that wasn't Candyman. They'd been together so long that it was second nature. But Barton and her had been almost in sync. She was impressed by him, he hadn't missed a single shot and hadn't faltered once. If their group stuck around she would be happy to have him partner her again on any run. Maybe even while clearing more of the prison.

"Ya sure?" Red asked, looking at the small mountain of boxes ready to go into the half full truck.

"Yeah, we got it, right Barton?" Lara asked, wanting to make sure the quiet man agreed. Plus she kind of wanted to see him lifting the boxes again. Now the real work was over she could actually admire him for a few minutes. As long as she didn't make it obvious anyway.

"Yeah, won't take long," he grunted before going to lift a box, one of the heavier ones she noticed. Either he was a bit of a gentleman or he didn't think she had the strength for it. She wasn't sure which one. He was closed off and despite their bonding the last couple of days she still hadn't got him figured out. She wanted to though.

"Well alright then, see ya soon," Red nodded before him and G.I. Jane got into the cab of the already full van. Their bags on their shoulders, full of supplies in case of any unforeseen circumstances.

Lara turned and started helping pile the boxes in the back of the van, it went quickly and every now and then she snuck glances at the hunter. Those muscles were something else.

She was still trying to work out if he had been flirting with her earlier or at least suggesting he might find her attractive when they slid the back of the van shut, all the boxes inside. Despite the cold air and the small amount of rain that had started to fall both of them had taken off their jackets, the work was hard and had her sweating. Her back ached and her arms burnt from the work but it was a satisfying ache. A smile touched her face as she went to pick up her jacket and her own bug out bag.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" A deep drawl asked, making Lara's heart jump and her blood turn to ice. Fuck!

She turned to see a group of five men approaching, all of them armed and lookin' like shit. They were dirty and ragged, none of them thin and all of them leering. Her heart stuttered again at the looks in their eyes.

She stepped back so she was besides Daryl. They were outmanned and outgunned but she would be damned if she didn't get him outta there.

"They get hold of me, shoot me and get yourself outta here. Headshot," Lara whispered, her heart thundering. She saw him look at her like she was insane, she wasn't doing that though. She couldn't. "Please."

"And who are you two? What ya doin' in our territory?" One of the men asked. He was clothed in light blue jeans, had a kickass moustache and dark hair, his eyes shone with malice and lust.

Lara put her hand against her leg and pushed into it.

Across the lot a car alarm went off, before it stopped. It went off again, this time for longer. She could see that all of the men were worried it would bring shitbrains. The alarm turned off and after a few more moments with nothing happening the men focused back on her and Daryl.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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