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"It seems he filed for a single room this year." The woman said and I groaned.

"So, what do I do?! I was supposed to stay with him!" I argued and she frowned.

"I don't know, sir. Do you have anyone in Seoul you can stay with?" She asked, but I shook my head.

"No, not anyone with a place of their own!" I whined and sighed, rubbing my head.

"We can put you in a hotel for the first week, Mr. Lee, but you'll need to have somewhere to stay after this week or we'll have to exclude you from school this year." She said and I nodded, getting what I needed in order to find the hotel. As I left the administrative office, I sighed and looked up the hotel. Which said the front desk was already closed.

"FUCK!" I yelled and huffed, sitting on the steps of the building.

"Chan?" I looked up then stared as I saw Seungcheol and his baseball team.

"Che-Cheol!" I whispered and stood, clearing my throat as Seungcheol's team walked away a few feet, but he stayed beside me.

"Are you okay? Why haven't you unpacked your things?" He asked and I scoffed.

"Because I don't have a dorm! I'm supposed to stay in a hotel for the week, but I need to have somewhere to stay after that or I'm 'excluded from school'." I explained and he looked angry.

"What? How do you not have a dorm?!" He asked and I huffed.

"I guess the guy I was supposed to room with filed for a single room this year and no one updated the orientation paperwork!" I said and he sighed, looking around.

"Alright, come on!" He said and grabbed my suitcase.

"What? Where are we going?!" I asked and he looked at me then smiled.

"My place. My roommate won't mind you staying for a bit, I promise." He said and I felt like Seungcheol had just saved me, yet again.

"What?! Seungcheol, no, I can't!" I argued, but he wasn't hearing it as he shouldered my backpack beside his sports bag and pulled my suitcase away from me.

"Seungcheol!" I yelled after him, running to catch up or risk losing my things.

"I promise my roommate won't care, Chan!" He brushed it off as we passed his team and went to his car. It looked like an old Toyota, but I couldn't tell in the darkened parking lot.


"Do you need somewhere to stay or not?" Seungcheol asked and I pouted.

"Yeah." I mumbled and he nodded.

"Then you're going to shut up, sit in the car, and let me take you to mine for a bit! Seriously, you'll like Mingyu! He's really cool." He said and I huffed, letting him open the trunk and helping him put my things in.

"I hate you, just so we're clear!" I said and he grinned, dropping his sports bag in the trunk next.

"Yup, I know, just loathe my existence!" He said and I rolled my eyes, getting into the car as he shut the trunk. When he got in, he buckled up and turned the car on.

"It's really good to see you again, Seungcheol." I whispered and he glanced at me then smiled.

"Yeah, Channie, you too." He said and I smiled, looking out the window as he started to drive to his place.


"Come on, just over here!" He grinned as he lugged my suitcase and I held my backpack and duffel, following him up the narrow alley towards his apartment. When we got there, I heard loud voices from inside and he chuckled.

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