To Rend Your Hearts

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David and Goliath by Michelangelo depicts the Story in 2 Samuel where the prospected King David in his adolescence was noted to have challenged Goliath The Giant to a duel.

A rudy, juvenile boy with only a leather sling and a brook stone confronts the 10ft tall man, seasoned with several decades of battle and bloodshed, in the Elah Valley in the ancient Judean Foothills, the Might of The Living God radiating from his...

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A rudy, juvenile boy with only a leather sling and a brook stone confronts the 10ft tall man, seasoned with several decades of battle and bloodshed, in the Elah Valley in the ancient Judean Foothills,
the Might of The Living God radiating from his  his zealous heart, his birthright to the throne of Israel, and Divine Favor.

...And plants his feet, raises his chin, and puffs out his chest.

"'He said to David, "Am I a dog, that you come at me with sticks?" And the Philistine cursed David by his gods.'

The strong man curves down his back, tilting his head, loads his blade and widens his stance, lowing his guard, insulting the young king.

David is offended by the provocation of the uncivilized philistine to the point of perplextion.

Stepping forward, unabashed, unshaken like a mountain, his thorax kicks like an engine, the valley is leveled, his eyes ignite with the unbridled Wrath of God.

''David said to the Philistine, "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied."'

"Am I man that You come at me with a sword and a spear?"

The Living God scoffs, the entrance of His Voice blasts within the ears of the giant like a trumpet,
Deep like a Lion, a zealous, heart pounding derision.

The pace of His steps shakes the hills and the birds flee in seven directions, the radiance of His Glory causes the gods of the giant to sweat and prostrate, and their curses to be dispelled like vapor.

The Giant Man is as a grasshopper before a little boy.

1 Samuel 17:43-45

Until this point David was the youngest of 8 sons of Jesse, who tended to his Father's sheep in the field. The smallest, meekly tasked to tend to smelly animals, but never despised the task, as he would meditate daily:

"The LORD is my Shepherd, I shall not want."

Psalms 23:1

He would play his harp for his sheep and his God and would never be alone.

Sheep are vulnerable creatures, with no horns, or strong legs or teeth, so they require extra attention and protection so that they are not taken away by wild beasts, lions, and tigers and bears, who young David would wrestle with on a regular basis, with only, rod, staff, sling and his strong right hand.

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