Chapter 5

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~~Harumi's POV~~
I woke up to the sound of Lloyd's voice. From what I got he was yelling the other ninjas names. Maybe they left? No, they wouldn't, they would have told Lloyd...right?

I got out of the bed and got dressed. I left the room and proceeded to start looking for Lloyd. "Lloyd?!" I yelled trying to get his attention. No response, I yelled his name again and again still no response 'is this man deaf or something?', I thought in a joking manner.

I yelled one more time just to make sure he was still here. "LLOYD!!" then I finally heard a response.

"Oh Harumi, I thought you were still sleeping" Lloyd said while turning around. I could see there was a person behind him but didn't know who.

"Umm is someone behind you?" I asked a little curious.

"Oh my FSM, sorry...Cole is here" Lloyd stated with a big grin on his face.

My jaw dropped, Cole was here I haven't seen him in forever. "Oh my FSM, Cole you're alive!!" I yelled running up to him, engulfing him in a hug.

"Harumi?! When did you get here?!" Cole said a little shocked, either he didn't hear Lloyd say my name or he is blind, maybe both.

"Last time I talked to Nya she said the only people she found were Lloyd, Kai, and Zane. While also finding new friends like Sora, Arin, and WyldFyre. At least I think those are their names" Cole continued.

"Well I found my way back on my own, after a very long while..." I said trailing off at the end.

"Well we also found another person, Euphrasia" Lloyd said popping into the conversation.

"Euphrasia?" Cole and I said in unison a little confused.

"Oh yeah...I forgot to mention that" Lloyd said scratching the back of his neck.

"Who is she?" I asked Lloyd.

"Oh she is the new elemental master of wind" Lloyd replied while frowning a little when he said new elemental master. Cole must have noticed it too because he proceeded to ask Lloyd something.

"Umm are you ok Lloyd" Cole asked after noticing what Lloyd had done.

Lloyd looked a little startled by Cole's question because he quickly changed his expression and put a smile on his face.

"Oh yeah sorry, I'm ok" Lloyd said rather quickly.

~~Lloyd's POV~~
Memories from years ago started pouring into my head as I told Cole and Harumi who Euphrasia was. I remembered what Morro did to me when he wasn't using me as a vessel. It was traumatizing especially for someone my age.

"Umm are you ok Lloyd" Cole asked.

I was a little caught off guard with his question and answered a little too quickly. " oh yeah sorry, I'm ok"

Harumi gave me a concerned look, and I quickly plastered on a fake smile. I didn't want them to get worried, I never liked to be center of attention when it came to feelings.

"Ok then, do you guys know where the other ninja are?" Harumi questioned.

"Actually I was just about to ask Lloyd" Cole replied answering Rumi's question.

"Honestly..." I trailed off looking for the right words to say "I do t know ow where they are" I said finally.

"So no one knows where they are?" Rumí asked once again.

"Nope" Cole and I answered in unison.

If I am being honest, the other ninja not having the audacity to not tell me where they were going really did get me a little angry. Then my nightmare came back to me.

'HAHA, aww did the ninja decide not to include unfortunate, you know it would remind you of the times you were at your old boarding school'

A voice said in my mind, it had this dark tone to it, but it was right. It did remind me of the times back at my boarding school, nobody wanted to talk or have anything to do with me, well except for Brad.

'Doesn't it make you angry that they didn't tell you? That they didn't include you?' The voice said again.

'GO!...GO!...really go find them, give them a piece of your mind, make sure they NEVER forget you again' The voice continued.

I thought about it for a minute, then it hit me, it was the oni in me. I put my hands on my head.

"STOP!!...IM NOT GOING TO HURT THEM!" I yelled catching the attention of Cole and Harumi.

"HURT WHO?!" Cole said trying to get my attention.

Just hearing the oni made me angry, so ang try it made my blood boil. But I fought the urge to transform. Just then I felt a searing pain going through my skin. I screamed in pain, not knowing what to do anymore.

'Don't fight know you want to teach them a lesson' The oni said again.

"IM NOT GOING TO HURT MY FRIENDS!" I yelled again, surely answering Cole's question earlier.

"LLOYD, LLOYD!!" I heard Rumi yell.

I felt Harumi's touch as she tried calming me down. Alas it didn't work, the oni just kept taunting.

'You know I'm right...all you have to do is submit and transform, you'll be able to find you "friends" get your answers that you so longed for' the oni said finally.

I didn't want to hurt my friends, I had to fight him. Next thing I know all I see is black.

Welll...... I think I'll leave you off like this 😏😏, yes I'm that evil hehe. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter, also I'm so sorry if this feels rushed, I'm also sorry that it is a shorter chapter. Please vote and tell me what you think in the comments. (I LOVE READING YALLS COMMENTS❤️💚)

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