Chapter 2: Second Chances PT: 2

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As I was cooking in the kitchen I glanced over my shoulder to see that Harley was finally stirring up.
"Good Afternoon Goldilocks."
I say as she sniffs the air.

"Mmmmm, something smells yummy!"
She smiled as she skipped over to the counter to grab her plate.

"As you can see I also made cheesey scrambled eggs with pepper jack cheese, country style hash browns, and crispy apple wood smoked bacon, enjoy."
Harley then looked at me in disbelief before immediately tearing into her food like a wild animal.

"Mmm sho gurd."
She said with her mouth full before swallowing.
"Your gonna make whoeva ya wifey is going be a happy woman!"

I couldn't help but be a bit dramatic as I placed my hand over my heart and gave her a fake British accent.
"You flatter me Madam Quinn."
I replied as I dished up my own plate.
"So I'm guessing that you have a plan right?"

"What are ya talkin about?"
Harley asked.

"On how to deal with him I mean. Maybe not at this very moment but at some point down the road. But what about what's going on in the present?"
Harley made an "Oh" face as she glanced upward towards the ceiling with her finger on the corner of her chin.

"Well, my gal pal red is gonna be gettin outta Arkham on a release program in the next couple of days and she already has a placed lined up so I'm gonna see if I cant stay with her for the time being."
It had taken me a moment to connect the dots but then I figured out who she was talking about.

"And by red you mean Poison Ivy right?"
I asked as Harley nodded happily in reply.

"Uh-huh, she's always been good to me and been there when things had gotten bad so yeah, that's the plan."
She said as I took a bite of my bacon.

"Well like I already said, swing on by whenever you want. My door is open from 3:30 to 6:00."
I hadn't expected it, but when I said this she genuinely laughed like I had said the funniest shit she had ever heard.

"Maybe I'll take you up on that some time."
She then had a sense of lust about her as she pinned me to the wall and came ever so close to my lips.
"If I eva need an itch that needs scratched."

"Eh heh heh heh, uhhhh... I was just thinking we could hang out or you know...uhhh, maybe when I get some money coming in we could go somewhere."
Harley looked like she was surprised to hear this.

"Ya mean like a date?"
She asked as she continued to smile.

"I mean hang out..."
She continued to tease the fuck out of me by slowly running her hands up my abs and the rest of my chest before she pushed herself off of me while pretending to contemplate.

"Hmmm, I'll think about it."
She then went on to happily scarf down the rest of her breakfast as she watched cartoons.

We ended up spending the rest of the day just chillin like villains. Watching My Little Pony, Star Gate SG-1 cause Atlantis was complete shit. And listening to some of the best 90's and 2000's pop and Alt Rock of all time.
"Saaay it ain't soooo!"
We yelled out in each other's faces as we continued to sing the rest of the song.

But by the end of it we both heard someone knocking on my door.
"Hey open up!"
I heard Saul's voice coming from the other side.

Harley went and hid around the corner her bat at the ready as I waved my hand at her.
"Just my landlord."
I whispered before opening the door.
"Hey, is something wrong?"
I asked him as he pulled up his pants.

"I gotta noise complaint from the tenant downstairs and she said that you were being to loud."
I gave him a squinted look that said really as I tilted my head.

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