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"i did it." i told cherie. "you did what?" she looked at me, confused.

"you told me to just ask that woohyun guy, right?"


i shrugged and looked at the guy by the vending machine, who i suppose to be woohyun.

"h-he's looking at us!" i saw cherie blush and hide her face behind my back.

i judgingly looked at her. "what the fuck is wrong with you"

she looked at me with her red face. "he's seok matthew! the boy i like!" she whisper-yelled.

my lips shaped into an 'o'.

i then looked at this 'seok matthew' again and he was looking at the vending machine, unsure.

"eh, he ain't good enough for you." i said, sounding bored. well, because i am bored.

she hardly slapped my arm. "he's perfect! he even got an award for winning 1st place at a piano contest! he's also good at arts! and singing-"

my yawn interrupted her. "oops, sorry. you can continue."

"you're so mean." she pouted and angrily crossed her arms.

"i'm just not interested at your interests."


i ignored her & fished out my phone.



dude whuts takin u so long

hurry up and give me my drink

dw i'll pay u back

why dont u just buy it on ur own

i injured my ankle


tf u mean how

i ran around and sprained it

but u said earlier u were too lazy to stand up

i never said that

go buy me my fanta bitch it has been 20 mins now

i dont even know who ru

we're in the same fucking arts club dude

im sitting by the bench rn im wearing a green jacket

oh.. i see u

idfc just buy me my fanta

ugh fine


i then saw him buy something and i smiled in victory.

"why're you smiling like that?"

cherie asked and looked at me weirdly.

i pointed at matthew, who was shyly walking towards us.

i sensed cherie's body tensing up so i patted her shoulder. "just say 'hi' to him." i whispered.

she nervously nodded.

matthew got to us and he scratched his nape.

"is this yours?" he gave me a grape fanta.

i gasped & was mesmerized by the beverage he's holding. "HELL YEAH"

i snatched it from his hand and gave him money in exchange.

i then nudged cherie for her to say 'hi' now.

"h-h-hi..." she looked up at him with tinted cheeks.

i was trying not to laugh. i wanted to leave them two alone so i stood up and started to walk away, enjoying my grape fanta.

"hi too." i heard matthew greet her back.

"but you there, wait!" he grabbed my shoulder.

i then turned to him and raised a brow.

"i thought you sprained your ankle." he looked down to my perfectly fine ankle.

oof i was caught.

"yeah, sayonara sucker!" i quickly ran away from him.


"eunmi, i hate you!" cherie said for the nth time today. i rolled my eyes at her, "then why are you still hanging out with me?"

she pouted, "you're my only best friend!" her statement made me chuckle.

"aww, yes i am. now, could you get some fries and deliver it to the arts room for your one and only best friend?" i asked & smiled.

she flashed a nasty look before reaching out her hand, "money."

i placed down my wallet on her palm. "you can't buy anything else so don't try."

she rolled her eyes. "yes, ma'am"

we then walked in seperate ways. cherie going to the cafeteria, and me going to my club room.

i opened the arts room's door and saw that almost all the arts club members are here already.

"oh, eunmi, you're here!" our club president, renjun, surprisingly exclaimed.

"do you think i don't attend meetings" i muttered & sat down at my respectful seat with a blank canvas in front of me.

we all waited for the other members to arrive and i got bored again.

my eyes wandered around the classroom & it landed on the guy staring right at me.


"eunmi!" i heard cherie from the door. she smiled at me & lifted up the fries in her hands.

matthew then looked over to her and cherie happened to meet his gaze too.

i saw her get red and almost, ALMOST dropped my precious fries.

she looked at me, then back at matthew. i did the same for the two, & so did matthew.


"uhm, may i ask what's happening?" renjun fake coughed and asked.

"i-i'm just here to give these to eunmi." cherie said. i stood up and skipped to her, grabbing my fries.

"eun, i told you already that eating is not allowed in the arts room." our vice-president, haruka, sighed.

i ignored her & sat back down my seat, enjoying my fries.

renjun then started the meeting but i didn't care to listen. i was just about to eat my last fry when i could feel someone's stare.

i turned to matthew, and he was glaring at me & at my ankle. i glared back at him.

boi doesn't know how to chill smh.


ONE METER [SEOK MATTHEW] ✦ZEROBASEONE✦Where stories live. Discover now