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Mina's Pov

It's been 3 days since I saw Y/n's face. She's been ignoring me since she caught me and Tae making out. I know that I shouldn't feel hurt that she's ignoring me but I can't help myself. I felt so much pain in my heart and I don't know why.

Jihyo: Is Y/n still ignoring you?

Mina: Yes Jihyo. And I don't know what to do. I ------

I cut myself off.

Jihyo: What's it Minari? You know that you can tell me anything right

Mina: "I know that I shouldn't feel like this but" and I whisper "I miss her"

Jihyo smiles at me

Jihyo: it's okay for you to miss her and we miss her too.

Nayeon: And I would suggest you to visit her

Me and Jihyo startled by Nayeon's unnie voice.

Jihyo: Yahh Nabong,did you just eavesdrop us??

Nayeon: Well yes but don't call it eavesdropping when everyone can hear your voices.

Mina: "Well I don't think my voice is so loud" I sheepishly say

Nayeon: Well not you Mina, but our leader here I think swallow a microphone since I can hear her voice even though I wear headphones with loud music.

Jihyo: "Yahhh Are you here to help Mina or to tease me?" She raise her eyebrows.

Nayeon: Okay easy peasy. Mina, I think you need to visit Y/n since you said some harsh words to her but wowww Mina I didn't expect you to be so savage. I think our maknae is rubbing on you.

She chuckle and we hear Tzuyu yell 'Pabo unnie'(stupid unnie). And they both laugh at that but I can't bring myself to laugh with them. I know Nayeon unnie didn't mean anything by that but I feel so guilty that I make her sad. And they both notice my reaction.

Nayeon: Minari, I'm sorry if my words hurt your feelings

Mina:"Aniyo(No) Unnie, I don't want to hurt her you know, but I did that. And I don't know how to apologize to her" I sniffles.

They both look shock when I starts to sob silently. They hug me and whisper 'don't cry' to me.

Jihyo: If you feel like that, I support Nayeon Unnie's suggestion. I think you need to visit her.

Mina: Okay Unnies. I will go now to her house, if not I think my head will explode.

Nayeon: Do you know her address?

Mina: Yeah she gave me her address, she said I can visit her anytime.

I hear both Nayeon unnie and Jihyo unnie mutter 'whipped' under their breath but I act like I didn't hear what they said.

Jihyo: Okay be careful, and if you won't come tonight, let us know

She smirk at me and I feel my cheeks blushing

Mina: omaigoddd get your mind out of gutter and bye Unnies.

I run away and I hear they laugh behind me. I drive to Y/n's house. I reach her house and see her car is parked at outside, so that means she's at home. I knock the door and I hear her voice to wait for a bit.

Y/n: Yea---- Mina??

She looks stunned by my visit.

Mina: "Hi" I wave at her

Y/n: What are you doing here? Well come in.

She let me in her house and let me say she have a meticulous taste.

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