The Announcement

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Y/n's POV

I hope Mina will forgive me for what I'm going to do now. I need to do this since it's been our plan since the start. I cleared my throat and started to talk.

Y/n: Okay My dear Knights, I have a big announcement today. I just want to share something special with you guys.

From my peripheral view, I can see that Mina is looking with teary eyes and shaking her head. 'I'm sorry My Love, I'm doing this for us'  I thought to myself.

Y/n: I want to introduce someone special to you guys.

The stadium roars with their shouts and I smile at them. Because I know that after this she will hate me.

Mina's Pov

'Y/n, what are you doing?' I thought. Sajangnim texted me that Y/n will introduce me as her girlfriend in front of everyone.

Taehyung: Babe, what's happening?

He asked me suspiciously. I kept my silence since I don't know what to say.

Nayeon: Yah Mina! What's Y/n doing? Is she going to introduce you as her girlfriend?

The others look at me but I turn my head to look at Taehyung and he looks so hurt.

Mina: Babe, it's Sajangnim's idea. I should obey him and you know that. This facade is just for a few months and then we both will break up.

Then I hear she calls my name.

Y/n: Let's welcome the girl who I love more than anything in this world.

She walks towards me and she holds my hand. Before she dragged me to the stage, she looked at me with an apologetic look and she turned towards Taehyung and gave him a smug look. When I walk with her to the stage, I can sense that everyone's shocked to see me with her. Then I heard a loud cheer around the stadium. Everyone claps their hands and shouts on top of their lungs.

Y/n: Well it's time to introduce this cute human being to you guys. You all know her as Twice Mina. But here she's standing beside me as Mina, Y/n King's soulmate, my significant other. I hope you guys will be happy for us and support us till the end. Will you do it for me guys?

Everyone was shouting 'YES'. She looks satisfied with that.

Y/n: And I think I want to give you guys another surprise. Maybe a new song?

She acted like she was thinking and everyone started to cheer again. I attempt to walk down the stage but before I do it, she holds my hand tightly.

Y/n: Where are you going?

Mina: I don't want to be a distraction for you.

Y/n: Trust me you won't be. I don't think I want my inspiration for this song to be far away from me when I sing it.

I look at her shocked.

Mina: Did you wrote a song for me?

She nod her head with a cute smile. Then she take a chair and put it beside the piano. Then she pat the seat for me to sit. I sit beside her. I don't dare to look at Taehyung right now because I know that he will be disappointed with my actions right now but I'm doing all of this for us. So that no one will break us apart in future. Suddenly a music starts to play.

Georgia, wrap me up in all your
I want you in my arms
Oh, let me hold you
I'll never let you go again like I did
Oh, I used to say
I would never fall in love again until I found her
I said, "I would never fall unless it's you I fall into"
I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her
I found you
Georgia, pulled me in, I asked to
Love her once again
You fell, I caught you
I'll never let you go again like I did
Oh, I used to say
I would never fall in love again until I found her
I said, "I would never fall unless it's you I fall into"
I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her
I found you
I would never fall in love again until I found her
I said, "I would never fall unless it's you I fall into"
I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her
I found you

She holds eye contact with me throughout the song. I feel some familiarity with the song and the way she looks at me. But it's not possible since this is the first time she sing this song to everyone. I furrowed my brows when I can feel my head starts to hurt.

Y/n: "Mina, are you okay?" She ask worriedly.

Mina: Yeah, can you bring me to the backstage for a while? I feel dizzy.

She quickly calls another singer who opens the performance with her in this concert. It's none other than Olivia Rodrigo

Y/n: Hey Liv, can you help me with something?

Olivia: Yeah sure what's it?

Y/n: Can you sing any of your songs now? Because I need to bring Mina to backstage, she's not feeling well

Olivia: Of course I can sing. You should bring her now since her face is becoming pale.

Y/n: Oh shit. Okay thank you so much for your help.

Olivia just wave her hand. Y/n quickly take her mic and started to talk.

Y/n: okay guys, now Olivia will take over this place since I have some emergency right now. So wait for me.

She cheekily smile and give her mic to Olivia. She quickly held my waist and brought me to the backstage and we enter a room with her name on it. She make me lay on a couch.

Y/n: Are you okay? Does your head still hurts?

I stare at her for so long and ask her

Mina: Do we know each other before we meet for the pr meeting? Don't tell me about you stalking me because I don't remember you following me that time.

Y/n: What are you talking about? Just take a nap for a while.

She try to change the topic but I won't let her to do it.

Mina: please tell me truth. I don't know why but whenever I look at you or hear you speak, I get some sort of flashbacks. As we know each very well in past.

I beg to her to tell me the truth. She looks at me with teary eyes.

Y/n: I don't want you to suffer like me.

Mina: What do you mean?

Before she say something, Taehyung barge in to the room.

Taehyung: Babe, are you alright?

Before I reply to him, I search for Y/n but she was not there anymore.

Y/n's POV

How can I tell you that you're my secret love? How can I tell you that I'm keeping a big secret from you? How can I tell you that

You were in a relationship with someone else in your past?

A/n: Hey guys I think I was gone for a while. But I'm back now. Hope you guys like this chapter. Feel free to comment and vote ❤️

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