Let the world burn

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Y/n's Pov

Dawson: Y/n...... There's someone who wants to see you.

Y/n: who's it? And why is your face annoyed?

Dawson: If you see that person, you will understand why.

I get curious to see who that is. So I woke up from my chair and went outside to see who that was.

Y/n: Well well look who's here

Tae: I don't have time for your sarcastic words Y/n.

Y/n: Then why did you come here? To look at my beautiful face?

Tae: Enough. You get what you want right? Now can you please let your sister go?

Y/n: Owh yeah Audrene. How can I forget about that bitch? And how can I forget that both of you assholes are besties? "Said with a mocking tone"

Tae: Listen to me. Yeah I know I shouldn't date Mina. But I did that because I want to protect her until Audrene comes back again.

Y/n: What is the definition of protecting someone in your dictionary, Tae? Is it making out with that person? I don't understand how your stupid brain is functioning.

Tae: Well, I started to like her okay! That's why I did that. I don't know why I have to explain everything to you. I just want you to know that you're doing a grave mistake. If Mina get to know about this, do you think she will be with you? A murderer, a psycho?

Y/n: I know what I should do. If you interfere again, I will kill you and bury you in your backyard and no one will know about that. Understand?

Tae: you can do anything you want to me. One day you will face the consequences of your action. I'm waiting for that.

Y/n: hmmm.. Well let's see... Now can you please get out from my house. I feel nauseated looking at your face for too long.

He glare at me and went out.

Dawson: Do you want to do anything to him?

Y/n: not now.. maybe in future. Who knows?

Mina's Pov

I know that I get some glimpses from my past but I still feel like there are some important parts are missing. I can't even ask my unnies since I know they will never tell me the truth. Even when Y/n told me our story, I can't help but feel that she's not telling me the whole truth.

I heard my phone rings

Mina: Hello

Tae: Hello Mina, are you busy right now?

Mina: No, can I know why are you asking?

Tae: I need to tell you something

Mina: If this is about our past-----

Tae: it's not about our past, it's about your past. I know everything about that. I will tell you.

Mina: okay where should I come?

Tae: I will send you an address. Come there.

He cut off the call and send me the address. I immediately went to that place.

At an abandoned house

Mina: Tae, what place is this ?

Tae: it's my friend's house. But she is not living here anymore.

Mina: now can you tell me what do you know about my past ?

Tae: before that tell me, what did Y/n told you?

I tell him everything that Y/n told me

Tae: There are some truth and some lies in that story, Mina.

Mina: can you tell me the truth?

Tae: You really love Audrene. But Y/n is the one who interfere in your relationship. She warned Rene to leave you alone. But Rene doesn't want to leave you, so Y/n got mad-------

Suddenly his phone rings

Tae: hello, Yes..... okay I will be there immediately.

Mina: Tae, what happen? Why are you panicking?

Tae: someone called me and said Jungkook is in hospital right now. I need to go and see him. I will tell you the whole story tomorrow okay

Before I say something, he went out. My head is spinning now. What is the real truth now? Is it Y/n's story or Tae's?

A/n: I'm really sorry guys for the late update. I hope you like this chapter. Stay tuned for the next chapter because that is where everything will crumble. Feel free to vote and comment guys 😉 stay safe everyone ❣️

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07 ⏰

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