1. Arrived

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It all begins in a metal cage that begins to move upwards as it moves a girl gasps for air feeling water in her lungs she then looks around her

Y/n: Where am I?... How did I get here?... Who an I?

Question began to fill her head but soon stop hearing noises behind her she turns around to see pig's in creates and chicken's in a small cage as her eye's drift looking to see what else she was in the cage with she see's a creat she get's up from the floor of the cage and tray's to open it with her bear hands and soon accomplish opening the crate she looks in seeing knives, daggers, and machetes she grabs one machete but her eye's caught on to three throwing knives she takes them and hides them inside her jacket soon she felt the cage be getting to increase its speed she looks up seeing double doors above her she goes into the corner bracing for impact as a cage becomes to a rough stop the light that was once red now green and soon darkness fill the cage until the double doors above her open revealing a blinding light she covered her eyes from the power of the light her eyes soon adjust to the light she can hear talking from above she stays hidden in the shadow soon 2 boy's jump inside the cage the girl watch quietly as a boys talked near the creat she opened

Boy 1: Where's the new Greenie?

Boy 2: Don't know... But someone has to have open up this crate

Seeing as the 2 boys were distracted Y/n picks up her hood and took the opportunity to escape from the cage as she uses one of the boys for support to jump out of the cage her feet lands on the dirt ground she sees more boys around her they where all surprised by the sudden appearance Y/n looks around her eyes lands to open gap what seems to be doors she makes a run for it as the people for surprise begin to yell some things at her either saying "we've got a runner" or "stop them" but she didn't care she kept running till maze it pass through the doors and runs a few turns as she keeps running it began to feel like a maze to her not seeing a ending or an exit she keeps running and running until she made contact with a hard chest making them both step back she see's 2 other boy's in front of her one tall blonde boy and one tan Asian boy they look at her confused

Blonde boy: You shouldn't be in here

Y/n begins to run dodging their grasp to continue running

Asian boy: Hey! Stop!

Y/n didn't listen to them she kept going till she see's big blade's in front of her she stops for a moment looking around till she hears footsteps approaching fast on her tail she runs into the blade's as she kept running using the blade's to hide from the 2 boy's she no longer hear their footsteps she felt proud of herself for losing them but lost it as soon as she felt a pair of strong arm's wrapping around her

Asian boy: Got you

Y/n fight out of his grasp as the other boy approached helping him

Asian boy: Let's get this shank back to the Glade

As the 2 boy's lead's her back where she arrived they see all the boy's at the entrance of the door's she kept fighting to get out of the boy's grip even tried to dig her heels to the ground but failed once they got back to the grassy land a tall dark complected boy stood in front of the crowd of boys

Dark complected boy: Now let's see the shank that causes much fuss *he pulls down Y/n's hood they all gasp*

Boy 3: I-its a girl

Y/n: Let go of me! *she picks up one arm as she turns her body making a X with her arm's she then flip's making the 2 boy's that holds her fall the others step twords her she point's her machete at them* take one step closer and I'll take your lives

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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