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{ Aria }

I was on my computer researching many different things when I suddenly hear someone outside my door. I close the laptop and turn around in my desk chair.

"Come in."

"I didn't even knock." Stiles walks in.

"Uh, lucky guess."

"You should've seen Scott today. It was wicked at practice." He smiles sitting on my bed. "What're you looking at?" He was staring behind me.

I turn around slightly seeing my laptop screen was sort of up. My eyes widen causing me to slam it shut.

"It was just a question." He places his arms up. "What's wrong with you? You're acting weird."

"I...I'm...Stiles, I don't think I'm okay." I look at him. "I really don't." I hide my face in my hands.

"What's...what's wrong?" He swallows. I don't even think that was meant for someone to hear.

"I can hear things, smell things and do things I'm not suppose to do."

"What do you mean?"

"Like a second ago. You swallowed a little hard and a normal person wouldn't have heard it like it was in their ear." I look up.

"Oh, um, well, Scott was going to go in the woods because he needed to find his inhaler. Joselynn's joining us. We were wondering if you were okay enough to go. From the whole passing out thing." He gets up slowly going to my door.

"You're scared, aren't you?" I rush over to him.

"I am a little bit now, Ari." He leans against the door. "Um." He licks his lips. "You can join us." He walks out of my room causing me to frown. Did I seriously scare my brother? I hit the wall with the side of my fist and pull back quickly. I stumble back a bit seeing the dent I caused.

"Aria?" He stops at my door again.

He walks in seeing what I was staring at then tilts his head slightly. Pointing at it with no words. He was speechless. I just rush out of the room heading outside.

{ Joselynn }

The door opens causing Scott and I to look up seeing Aria looking worried. A confused Stiles soon following.

"Did you do that?" He looks at Aria while pointing at the house with his thumb.

"Shut up. Please. My head is killing me." She places her hands on her head.

"Aria." Scott walks over to her, placing his arms softly around her.

"What happened?" I walk over to Stiles hugging him.

"She was staring at a dent in her wall." He continues looking at Aria.

"Can we just go? Please?" She looks at all three of us while in Scott's grasp.

We nod heading to Stiles's car heading to the woods we were at last night. We all jump out, Scott, Aria and I sharing a look. Then we continue our walk.

"I think I have an infection or something." Scott was the first to speak.

"What makes you say that?" I look at him.

"I can smell things, hear things and do things that are impossible. What I did at practice is not possible." He looks at me.

"Smell?" Stiles knits his brows.

"Like the piece of mint gum that's in your jackets pocket." Scott stops and looks at Stiles.

"Do I have a piece of gum?" Stiles searches in his pocket. And then he pulls it out...a piece of small green spear mint gum. "Oh, well, I guess I do. How about you? Anything different?"

"I hear that phone call this morning." I answer truthfully.

"Me too." Scott and Aria answer.

Stiles purses his lips looking at all of us before looking at the ground.

"You guys are freaking me out. Lets look for your inhaler. And the other half of that body." He looks up with a smirk.

"Stiles!" Aria whines. "I would love to, but no."

"I agree with her." I look at Stiles. "Not today, baby, okay?"

"You know who bursts my bubble? Jackson." Scott breathes looking in the distance.

{ Scott }

"I mean he does. But I set him straight today."

"Good job, buddy. I saw that." Stiles pats my back. "Lydia even clapped for you."

"Lydia bursts my bubble." Aria rolls her eyes. "She invited me to a party."

"I heard about that." I look at her. "You don't have family Friday nights."

"I had to come up with something. How'd you hear that?"

"I dunno, we're all acting weird except Stiles." I drape my arm over him.

"What're you doing here?"

We all snap our heads in the direction of the voice seeing a rather strange looking man.

"I, uh, drop my inhaler the other night. We just came I look for it." I swallow.

"You know this is private property?"

"No, we didn't know that." Joselynn shakes her head.

"Well, hurry up." He turns around walking away.

"Did you guys not notice who that was?" Stiles looks between us.

"It was Derek Hale." Aria speaks up.

"So...?" Joselynn trails.

"His family died in a fire like 10 years ago." Stiles informs.

"I wonder what he's doing back." I purse my lips.

"Who knows, but we should get going." Aria looks at the sky seeing it's getting dark.

"So you guys say it was a wolf you saw last night? Aaaarooooo." Stiles laughs.

"Dude, it's not funny."

"Take shelter, because tomorrow is a full moon. A-a-aroooo."

"Shut up, Stiles." Aria groans. "You did this this morning."

He smiles as we all get inside the car to head home.


I was at my job late tonight. I work at the pet shop animal hospital. I grab the cat food with two hands dragging it to our cat room. After I place it down I look at all of the cats. They all started going crazy trying to get at me. Me being freaked out I walked out quickly.

I walk to the bathroom grabbing peroxide and cotton balls along with a bandage. I lift my shirt and take off my bandage only for it to be completely gone. I look at my reflection confused before slowly placing my shirt back down.

"Well then." I say to myself as there was a loud knock on the door. I jump and quickly head to it confused. We were closed and it was storming. I open it seeing Allison crying. "Oh god, are you okay?"



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