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{ Stiles }

It was now night, I was pulled over on the side of the road and I'm pretty sure the girls fell asleep. Which if Aria randomly screams it will scare the living mess out of me. I was currently talking to Scott on the phone about Derek.


"What am I suppose to do with him, Scott?!"

"I don't know, take him some where. Anywhere."

"And by the way, he's starting to smell." I huff.

"Like...like what?"

"Like death."

"Okay, um...take him to the animal clinic."

"What about your boss?"

"Your sister is mumbling wake up repeatedly." Derek coughs. Which I didn't actually hear seeing I was to busy talking to Scott.

"He's gone by now. There's a spare key in the box panel."

I sigh handing the phone to Derek, "You're not gonna believe where he wants me to take you."

He takes it placing it to his ear, "Did you find it?"

"C'mon, wake up."

I look behind me to see Aria breathing heavily while gripping the seat.

"Oh, c'mon don't rip it." I groan.

"Look, if you don't find it, I'm dead, alright?" Derek takes in some breaths. "Think about this, the alpha calls you out against his will. And he's gonna do it again, you either kill with him or you get killed. So, if you wanna stay alive. You need me. You need to protect your friends, Scott. Especially your girlfriend. She and I got attacked this morning, okay? When I got shot. He's trying to get rid of people close to you, Scott. Especially the ones that got in the way when you were bit." he looks back at Joselynn and Aria. "There's something different about all of you. Just, you're the different ones. Find the bullet." he pulls the phone down hanging up.

"Wake up!" Aria finally sits up taking deep breaths while there were tears streaming her face.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm here." I place a hand on her shoulder. "It was just a dream. You're okay. Wanna talk about it?"

She just stays quiet, pulling her knees to her chest while looking out of the window. I take that as a no. I turn around to drive towards the animal clinic while Derek really begins to smell like death.

"Do you need deodorant? I'll gladly stop at the store. Or maybe some cologne?"

"Just go, Stiles." he looks at me threateningly.

{ Aria }

"Hear, Scott sent me something." Stiles motions towards his front pocket as he was caring the sleeping Joselynn. I dig through his pocket pulling out his phone.

I knit my brows looking at it, "Does Nordic Blue Monkshoods mean anything to you?" I look at Derek quietly.

"It's a rare form of wolfs bane." he breaths after plopping down on some bird feed. "He has to get me the bullet."

"Why?" Stiles looks at him.

"Because, I'm gonna die without it."

Stiles and I share a look before I walk over to the spare key. I unlock the door letting Stiles in first then helping Derek in. He lays Joselynn down on the couch that was in the waiting room then goes to the back with Derek. I just sit in a waiting chair with my knees to my chest.

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