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{ Aria }

"Sco- mdjekc." Peter covers my both.

"Oh my, thank god! Where have you been? Have you any idea what's been going on?" he passes by us.

It was quiet and that's when Peter began pushing me out as he slowly made his way into Scott's view.

"I really don't get Lacrosse. I don't recall young teen love either." he slowly drags his finger down my cheek. "Young teen love gone bad." he frowns at me then Scott.

"It's you." Scott mutters.

I kick and scream in his grasp only causing him to tighten his grip.

"Oh, stop. Isn't Derek such a great mentor? Both of you lost a fight and your controlling was terrible. Tisk tisk." Peter shakes his head. "See, when I was in high school we played basketball. There's a real sport. We didn't pay attention much to love either. Well, I didn't. I didn't wanna hurt somebody I fell in love with."

I try prying his hand off of my mouth only causing him to tighten his grip some more.

"Still, I read that Lacrosse came from Native American tribes. They played it to resolve conflict. Is that right? Mm. I have a little conflict of my own that needs resolving, Scott." he places a Lacrosse pole down then makes his grip better by wrapping his other arm around me. I was looking at Scott desperately as he was just standing there. "But, I need your help to do it."

"I'm not helping you kill people. I'm not helping you hurt the ones I love." Scott looks at him angrily.

"Well, I don't wanna kill all of them." Peter shakes his head. "I've actually grown a soft liking for this one. Aria. Who knew I could get attached to a Stilinski twin?" he chuckles softly. "I just wanna kill the responsible ones. And that doesn't have to include..." he looks over at Derek.


"Allison." Derek looks at Scott. I felt my entire face drop at that, knowing that true. That he'd protect Allison.

"Whoooaaa! Tension just got thick in here!" he laughs.

Scott looks over at Derek slowly, "You're on his side? Are you forgetting the part where he killed your sister?!"

"It was a mistake." Derek speaks in monotone.

"What?!" Scott exclaims.

I squeal against Peter's hand in question as I looked at Derek.

"It happens."

"Scott, I think you're getting the wrong impression. Listen, we really just wanna help you reach your full potential."

"By killing my friends. My friend you're holding right now! The one you turned! Her friend! You turned them! They shouldn't have gotten this! This isn't what they deserved!"

"Well maybe they shouldn't have jumped in front of you!" he raises his voice causing me to flinch and let a tear slip. "Sometimes, the people closest to you are the ones holding you back the most."

"They're holding me back from becoming a psychotic nut job like you. I'm okay with that. I'd be extremely okay if she wasn't hurt. Please don't hurt her. I..I..."

"You what, Scott? Are you about to confess feelings? Do so. Let's stand here and you confess your feelings to Aria here. A girl that you left for a hunter." Peter taunts.

A little son escapes against his hand and I take in a deep breathe in my nose.

"I...I love her. Please, just don't hurt her. She's been through to much and I don't want more added to that list because of me. I don't want her hurt anymore. I want her smiling and happy, like nothing's happened."

Peter pushes me towards -I'm still in his grip- as he talks to Scott.

"Well, maybe you could see things...." he pulls his hand up -that's not on my mouth- and makes his claws come out. I raise one of my brows as my eyes were still full of water. "From my perspective." he stabs his hand into the back of Scott's neck. I scream against his hand as Scott made a gagging noise and all Derek did was look over.

He throws me to the ground and I just crawl to Scott.

"Scott! Scott, look at me! Hey!" I scream as I pull his head into my lap. All he could do was turn his head from side to side as his eyes were closing. "Scott!"

{ Stiles }

We pull up to an abandoned area that would be considered an alley way. There was Chris -Allison's dad- and Jackson.

"Hey." Scott nods.

"Sup!" I wave.

"Idiots." the girls laugh.

"Hello, Scott." Chris smiles.

"Everything alright?" Aria looks out of the back.

"Car trouble." Jackson smiles at her.

"There was a shop down the road. I'm sure they have a tow truck."

"Yeah, wanna ride?" I offer.

Scott opens the door as Jackson was waiting a long time to reply.

"Awe, c'mon, you're way to pretty to be out here all by yourself." Aria smiles.

Jackson nods then makes his way over to the jeep. Just as Scott hoped out and Jackson almost got in, Chris stopped him.

"Hey, boys."

We look over, along with the girls to see that he cranked it up.

"Told ya I knew a few things about cars."

He drives off, causing all of us to get out of the car.

"What're doing following me now?!"

"Yes! You almost gave away everything right there!"


"He thinks you're the second beta!"


"He thinks you're me!" Scott screams then punched my jeep.

"Dude, my jeep." I motion to it. "It has feelings."

"I can hear your heart beating from a mile away. Literally. Now he thinks something's wrong and now I have to keep an eye on you too!"

He goes to punch my jeep again but I grab.

"Okay, okay, how about we step away from Stiles's jeep."

"McCall, this is your problem! Not mine! Okay, I didn't say anything which means you're gonna be the one that gets me killed! This is your fault!" Jackson pushes Scott into my jeep.

"Okay, can we stop hitting my jeep?"

Scott pushes Jackson which causes Joss to get in between both of them.

"Whoa, okay, stop."

"When they come after you I won't be able to protect you! I can't protect anyone." he looks at me then the girls then back to me.

"Why're you looking at me?" I frown.

"You know you don't even have to! Get me what I want and I'll be fine protecting myself!"

"No you won't, Jackson! All it does is makes things worse!" Scott exclaims.

"Oh yeah, really? You can hear anything faster than humanly possible. You can do anything faster than humanly possible. Sounds like real hardship, McCall!"

"Yeah, I can run really fast now. Except half the time I'm running away from people who are trying to kill me! I can hear things. Like my girlfriend telling people that she doesn't trust me anymore right before breaking up with me. I'm not lying to you! It ruins your life."

Jackson shakes his head, "It ruined your life. You had all the power in the world and you didn't know what to do with it."



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