boys are weird

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 - 8 hours later at Kings Landing - 

(And yes I spent 20 minutes calculating how fast dragons go and how far Kings Landing was from Pentos. It would generally take about 8 hours on dragon back. Yes, I know I'm lame.)

(Just to recap real quick at this point Aegon is 6, Helaena is 5, Aemond is 4, Baela and Rhaena are 1, Jacaerys is 3 and Lucerys is 1.)

AS THE THREE DRAGONS LANDED, Daemon's family was met with his brother's. As the family dismounted, Vaemyx stayed close to Aemrys' side, not initially trusting the new people. Apart from Laena hugging Rhaenyra neither family moved, it was awkward, who was going step forward first.

Strangely enough Helaena stepped forward and walked over to Aemrys, Alicent trying to grab her arm not wanting her only daughter to associate with a bastard. Aemrys not being as nervous as everyone else waved at Helaena. "You're pretty." Helaena smile slightly at the compliment. "Your dragon is really cute." "His name is Vaemyx! I'm Aemrys.", Aemrys smiled excitedly. "I'm Helaena.", she giggled. Viserys then stepped forward, "Well she seems like she has more manners than you dear brother." he spoke as Daemon scoffed in amusement.

"I like your spider", Aemrys pointed to the spider resting on Helaena's palm. The girl turned to her father, "May I play with Aemrys?". "Of course-" "No.", Alicent cut the King off, everyone looked at her confused except for Aemond and Aegon who were staring at their young cousin and her dragon. Alicent shook off the awkwardness with a chuckle, "Well not right now of course, they have only just arrived, quite tired I would think.". "Not really." Aemrys giggled and Alicent glared at her. Rhaenyra, who had been trying to stay out of the conversation, could not help but chuckle and the young girl's comment.

Aemrys tilted her head to the side confused as Laena grabbed her arm, pulling the eager girl behind her. "Ah such energy for a five year old." "Perhaps too much for meeting her King and Queen." Alicent replied and Laena smiled politely. "Too much for her family?-" Daemon cut Laena off from finishing her sentence, "Let's go to our rooms.". Viserys nodded at his brother, silently thanking him before the fight became to much.

~In the Red Keep, about an hour later~

Aemrys had once again managed to slip from her parent's sight wanting to explore the new place. The small girl did get very confused when people would stop and bow to her whilst others would just simply stare and whisper. At the moment she was chasing a stray cat trying to catch it, for... Well, who knows why? Suddenly she bumped into somebody. "Hey watch it", a boy's voice snapped at her. She stood up, muttering a 'sorry', looking up to see Aegon. Aegon smirked slightly, "You're the bastard aren't you?". Aemrys was confused. "A bastard? What's that?" "What you are, bastard." "Aegon leave her alone." Aemond spoke up as he approached the two. "Why, it's what she is." "She's five." "So?". Aemond rolled his eyes (while he still has them- sorry....pfft), and looked at the girl.

'Boys are weird...' Aemrys thought to herself.

"Aegon, Aemond, come here now." The voice of Alicent, stern and cold as she approached the three. "Stay away from my sons", she warned Aemrys in an angry voice, grabbed her sons away as she bumped Aemrys, making her fall over. Aemrys began to cry quietly from the confrontation, as a five year old would.

As Alicent disappeared around a corner as the figure of Rhaenyra came around another. "Oh sweet girl, are you alright?" Rhaenyra asked worriedly as she knelt down next to her smaller cousin/niece. Aemrys shook her head as she clung on to Rhaenyra's dress. Rhaenyra picked her up, knowing how to comfort a child since she had, had her two boys.

"Rhaenyra, where have you-" Laenor came around the same corner where his wife had gone behind not a couple of seconds before. Laenor's face suddenly turned confused, "I do realise you would never steal children, perhaps I was wrong." Rhaenyra shook her head, "It's your niece.". "Oh", Laenor sighed. "Well thank goodness." That earned him a look which made him clear his throat nervously. At this point Aemrys looked up, still teary eyed, as she saw Laenor. Laenor smiled softly at the girl as he walked over to the pair. "Hello, I'm your mother's brother. I'm Laenor." The young girl managed to wave and say a sweet 'hello' back, making Rhaenyra and Laenor chuckle.

After a quick walk to Daemon and Laena's room, Laenor knocked on the door with Aemrys still in Rhaenyra's arms. The door opened with Daemon standing on the other side, his eyes widening slightly as he sees Rhaenyra. "Rhaenyra.." "Hello", Laenor greeted awkwardly. Daemon broke his gaze when Aemrys hugged his leg. Daemon picked up his weeping daughter, hugging her close. "Shh, shh, shh, sweet girl. Where'd you find her?" "Just on the floor crying, I would've asked her but I thought that would be better asked by you." Rhaenyra explained as Laena emerged from the bathroom. "Aemrys? Oh my sweet baby what's wrong?" Laena cooed at her oldest before seeing Laenor and smiling.

"Auntie Nyra and Uncle Laenor helped me Mama", Aemrys answered, not really the question asked but an answer nonetheless. Laena hugged her brother tightly before giving Rhaenyra a hug as well. "I hope the flight here went well", Laenor hoped and Daemon chuckled, "Yes, Myrs had her first fly." Rhaenyra's eyebrows shot up, "She's merely five uncle." Laenor leaned over to Rhaenyra, whispering, "Daddy's girl." Rhaenyra simply smiled and nodded.

~That evening~

Aemrys was sitting in her room that she shared with her baby sisters, though at the present moment the twins were being presented to the court whilst the girl was condemned to the room. She was simply watching the stars and the clouds go by in the night sky. The strange instinctual feeling she would get to want to sprout wings and fly to distant lands. Aemrys often had dreams of being on a giant red dragon, flying upwards, high above the clouds. A place where no one could touch her. Where she could simply be.

A soft stone creak broke the silence of the room and Aemrys looked behind her to one of the portraits next to her bed. It was opening? The painting inverted inwards as Aegon appeared through the door, "Come on you two." Aemrys hid behind her bed as she watched her other cousins emerge from behind the painting. "Why are we here Aegon?", Aemond asked bored as Helaena simply yawned. "You aren't the tiniest bit interested why Aemrys is a bastard but she can fly here on her dragon?" "Because Uncle Daemon is an immature father?" Helaena quipped. Aemrys cocked her head to the side, 'No', she thought. "No", Aegon groans at his younger sister as he starts searching through Daemon's bags. "Aegon this wrong and rude-" Helaena said as she sat on Aemrys' bed, Aemrys having to crawl under it to remain hidden. Aegon cut her off by raising a book, "Aha!". Aemond rose an eyebrow tiredly, "A book?" "A book!" "A book...". "It's just a book" Aemrys accidentally added on, making the three siblings look under the bed.



Hope you guys like this chapter and I've already started making progress on the next.

It should be up within the next couple of days.



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