iFind an Apartment

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Carly & Freddie wake up after a good nights sleep ready for what they have planned to do today.

FREDDIE: (waking up) "Good morning beautiful."

CARLY: (waking up) "Good morning handsome."

Carly & Freddie kiss and then get out of bed.

FREDDIE: "I'm gonna see if Millicent is up yet."

CARLY: "Okay. I'll wait in the living room."

Freddie goes to Millicent's room and knocks on her door.

FREDDIE: "Millicent, are up yet?"

MILLICENT: (half asleep) "Huh, five more minutes."

FREDDIE: "Okay Millicent. But don't stay in bed too long. Else you might miss out on breakfast."

MILLICENT: (half asleep) "Okay dad. I'll be out in a bit."

Freddie goes to join Carly in the living room.

CARLY: "Well is Millicent up yet?"

FREDDIE: "She said she join us in a bit."

CARLY: "Alright. So we got some time just to ourselves."

FREDDIE: "Yes we do indeed, milady."

CARLY: "Come here, my man."

Carly pulls Freddie in closer to her and kisses him.
Freddie kisses Carly back.
Carly warps her arms around Freddie.
Carly & Freddie continue kissing for several minutes.

FREDDIE: "Oh Wow."

CARLY: "I'm not done let."

FREDDIE: "But what if Millicent-"

Carly wraps her arms around Freddie again and starts kissing him before he could finish his sentence.
Freddie puts his hands on Carly's back and kisses her back.
Carly & Freddie continue kissing each other passionately for several minutes.
Millicent walks in and sees Carly & Freddie kissing.

MILLICENT: "EWW! Guys come on. I'm just in the other room."

CARLY: "Oh hey Millicent."

FREDDIE: "So your finally up than."

MILLICENT: "Yeah. But if I knew that you two were kissing I would of stayed in my room."

FREDDIE: "You do know that when we get an apartment. Your gonna have to get used to the site of me and Carly kissing."

MILLICENT: "Or you two could just wait for me to leave the room before you start kissing each other."

CARLY: "Yeah, there's no way I'll be able to keep my hands off him for that long."

MILLICENT: "Eww. Too much information."

FREDDIE: "Oh cone on Millicent. It's not that bad."

MILLICENT: "Oh yeah. Well how do you like it when you see your mom and Lewbert kissing?"

FREDDIE: "I don't. I think it's gross."

MILLICENT: "Well I don't like it when you two kiss in front of me."

CARLY: "Yeah but we're alot cuter when we kiss, right?"

MILLICENT: (sarcastically) "Sure."

CARLY: "Just think Millicent. When the three of us get our own apartment together. You and me would have much more time together. More shopping time that is."

MILLICENT: "I can't wait!"

FREDDIE: "Just as long as you don't go spending too much. Okay."

CARLY: "Okay Sweetie."

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