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He was standing directly in front of a house's door. He looked down and saw that the door was slightly ajar.

He opened the door out of concern for what might have happened inside because it wasn't shut all the way, but he couldn't shake the unsettling feeling. He could hear something even though no one was home yet.

A sound from behind the door next to him made him flinched.

With shaky hands, he groped for the knob, knowing better than to rummage through someone else's belongings, but he was powerless to resist.

Something spluttered across his face as soon as he flung the door open. He used his finger to wipe some of it off, and blood was visible.

His gaze lingered on the scene in. His heart dropped and screamed.


Harry woke up screaming. he groaned, sitting up on his bed, when he realized he woke up sweating in his dark room to the nightmare he had from time to time. It started 4 years ago.

When his room's door opened, a half-awake but tired Ron inquired, ❝are you alright, mate?❞

Harry gave him an apologetically look, ❝Yeah. Sorry. Did I wake you up?❞

His best friend yawned and shook his head. ❝It's alright,❞ Ron turned to go, forgetting to close Harry's door, mumbling, ❝ 'Had to wake up anyway, ❞

Harry felt sorry for his friends who had been living with him because of his nightmares. He thought he got better but lately his friends had mentioned some things that had trigger that memory.


Harry's gazed lifted to see Hermione standing by his door. She was in her suit as she was ready to head to work. He checked the clock and it was almost 6.

❝You're having the nightmare again?❞ She questioned as she entered his room and pulled open his curtains, making Harry winced at because of how bright outside was. ❝I know you don't like talking about it but, don't you think it's time for you to tell us what happened 4 years ago?❞

Harry kept quiet, shaking his head. He returned to lie back down and curled up under the covers.

He heard a sigh coming from Hermione. ❝I don't know if it helps but, Draco's finally coming back from France,❞ she failed to noticed at how Harry's figure froze under the cover. ❝I remembered how bummed you were when he said he was leaving,❞ she added.

He wasn't bummed! that name was the reason he's having the nightmare in the first place. He didn't want to tell his friends what he saw. if he did, they might see Draco differently.

❝Pansy and Blaise are picking him up from the airport. They can pick you up from work and you can join them,❞ Hermione suggested, settling down on the edge of Harry's bed.

The said boy peeked his head out, the lower part of his face still under the duvet,  ❝If I could, I would, but I'll be very busy at work,❞ his voice muffled. It may sound like an excuse but it was the truth.

Hermione gave him the 'are you serious' look. ❝Harry, you own the café. You're the boss,❞ she told Harry as if he had forgotten.

❝But I promised my employees that I'd help them with the newbies,❞ Harry almost whined. He sat up on his bed.

There was snort heard and it was from Ron, who had a glass of coffee in hand and his side leaned on the door frame. He shook his head amusingly at Harry. ❝are you nervous to see your old crush?❞ He quirked an eyebrow but his smugly grin never left his face.

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