20. a series of insidents.

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Radha sat in the cortyard of her small house. She missed her radhey so dearly. Its been a few days since he had left to the palace to stay with his newfound friend, duryodhana or suyodhana.

She didn't actually know the motive behind the prince of Hastinapur choosing her son to be his friend. He , her dear radhey was now a king, the king of angadesh. He said he loved the kingdom so very much and had invited them to go with him to his newly found kingdom, but she and adhirat had refused saying they did not have any intrest in the material or Luxurious things . she knew her son , her sun, deserved all the happiness in the world. Though, she was afraid to sent him to a kingdom, letting him medle in the politics of aryavarta.

Adhirat, her husband, however had said , may be this was what their son was born for, to change history , to change aryavarta . she wondered if someday, karna , her radhey came to know he was not their son, but somebody elses, what would he do?would he leave them?, or would he hate them? . "hey, Narayana. Please, don't take our son , our sun , away from us". Radha prayed siolently as she knitted a sholl for radhey, to gift him at his birthday, which was a few days after today.

"ma". She herd the always familiar voice of her radhey and stood up immediately.

"putr karna?". She exclaimed as she saw tears in her always calm son's eyes.

"what happened, putr? Did somebody insult you again? Did your newfound friend also leave you? Did the other princes tell you anything ? did something unberable happened? What is wrong, putr?".

Radha started to bombard her son with questions.

Karn on the other hand felt dejected. How can that rajmata kunti say this was not his radha ma? Was the rajmata trying to snach his loved once, his radha ma, his adhirat baba from him, and making him to medle in the unwanted politics of aryavarta?

Karn's mind was a mess with unanswered questions. Gathering all his courage, he managed to ask through his tears, "am I adopted?".

Radha was shocked would be an understatement. She felt disy. Did her son come to know the trueth that she had feared the most about? Will her only son leave her and adhirata for ever if she told him the trueth? But hiding the trueth from him would do no good now, for he has come to know he was not their own son from somewhere.

"putr karn, calm down and sit down . I will tell you everything, but before that, drink some water and have something. ". Radha said wiping his tears with her delicate yet ruf hands.

Karn leend into her touch and tried telling to his ragging mind that his radha mata was his mother. the rajmata was lying to him. they are royals and can do anything for their good.

He had water and his favorite dish, rice and dal from his mother's own hands.

She smiled at him as he rested his tired head on her lap.

"putr karn, listen to me carefully and don't take any Decision ubruptly. First, you tell me who told you you are not our son?". she asked and karn could see the turmoil in his mother's eyes.

She was trying hard to hide it but was failing miserably.

"putr karn? When did you come?". Adhirata's voice made karn to get up from his mata's lap and run to him, hugging him titely.

"he has come to know the trueth about him being our adopted son.".

Radha said and adhirat looked at his son , terror clearly visible on his aging face.

Karn was taken aback. So this was the trueth. He was adopted. Now he had to know where they got him from.

"putr karn, we were two young cupples who did not have children. I , as you know, are mahamahim bhishma's charioteer. Once, as I was returning after serving mahamahim, I found a golden basket floating in the ganga river.

"mending bonds", the changed epic, book 1✔️Where stories live. Discover now