Winners - Alexia Putellas

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Alexia Putellas, still buzzing from the Champions League victory over Lyon, found herself in the heart of a vibrant nightclub. The air pulsed with energy, the beat of the music matching the rhythm of her adrenaline-fueled heart. Surrounded by teammates, family and friends, she revelled in the celebratory atmosphere.

As the night unfolded, Alexia couldn't help but be her naturally protective self. She kept a watchful eye on her teammates, making sure they enjoyed the revelry without any mishaps. Her gaze swept across the dance floor until it landed on her girlfriend, You're engaged in a lively conversation with Mapi and Ingrid.

Determined to ensure your safety amidst the crowd, Alexia swiftly made her way through the dance floor, her eyes never leaving you. Just as she approached, your laughter echoed through the club, and your eyes met in a moment of shared joy.

"Baby, you're like my guardian angel tonight," You grinned.

"Well, someone's got to make sure you don't get into trouble," Alexia teased, a playful glint in her eyes.

They laughed and shared stories, basking in the joy of their recent champions league victory. Alexia's protective instincts softened as she realized that amidst the chaos, this moment with her friends was what truly mattered. She relaxed, dancing alongside your teammates, savouring the euphoria of their success.

Throughout the night, Alexia remained watchful yet allowed herself to immerse in the celebration. As the club's lights dimmed and the music gradually faded, she found herself surrounded by teammates, still on a high after winning the clubs second ever champions league trophy, especially after what happened in the previous years final against Lyon.

Walking out into the cool night air, the victorious team headed home, the glow of the night still lingering. Alexia glanced at you, who was walking beside her, and squeezed her hand affectionately.

"Tonight was amazing," you said smiling.

"Absolutely, after last years final it feels amazing" Alexia replied, feeling a surge of contentment. In that moment, amidst the cheers and the pulsating music, Alexia knew that their bond, forged through victories and shared moments, was unbreakable.

The victory had left Alexia and the team on cloud nine, and the night's celebration found them in a buzzing nightclub. Among the cheers and music, Alexia's gaze couldn't help but gravitate towards you. You stood amidst the revelry, radiating an infectious joy that only added to the night's euphoria.

Her protective instincts kicked in as she navigated through the crowd, her eyes fixed on you. Each step brought her closer until she finally reached your side, a smile breaking across her face as she wrapped her arms around you.

"Hola amor" Alexia greeted placing a kiss on your lips, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and adoration.

"Hola love" you replied loving the rosy pink blush spread across the Catalans cheeks, pulling her into a tight embrace. The pulse of the music seemed to echo the rhythm of your heartbeats as you held each other close.

Alexia's protective nature softened as she soaked in the celebration, her focus solely on sharing this moment with you. She let loose, dancing with you, savouring the euphoria of their success together.

Amidst the laughter and joy, Alexia kept a watchful eye, making sure you were comfortable and safe in the midst of the festivities. But her concern wasn't overbearing; it was a gentle, loving attentiveness that spoke volumes about her care for you.

As the night wore on, the club's lights dimmed, signalling the end of the revelry. You and Alexia walked out hand in hand, still buzzing with the excitement of the night. The air was cool against your skin, a stark contrast to the heated atmosphere of the club.

"Thank you for watching out for me bebe" you said, leaning into her warmth.

"I can't help it, You mean the world to me Nina Bonita" she replied, planting a soft kiss on your forehead.

In that moment, under the quiet night sky, surrounded by the echoes of victory, you both knew that your love was as much a triumph as the trophy they had just won.

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