Strap - Mapi Leon🔞

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Warning: Smut included 18+, MINORS DNI

Your knuckles white by how hard you're gripping the bed sheets, back arched as the only sounds are your moans, Maria's grunts and skin slapping together as she pounded into you from behind.

"Such a good girl, taking me so well." Maria growls, eyes fixated on the strap leaving and entering you. Too blissed out to provide a reply you moaned in response, face smooshed into the bed with Maria's hands holding the back of your head while the other is rubbing fast circles on your clit.

Maria manhandled you, arching your back more and allowing the strap to reach impossibly deeper.

"Taking my cock so well, do I make you feel good?" Maria asks cockily, already knowing the answer by the sounds she was pulling from you.

Unable to respond, you nodded which seemed to be the wrong thing to do as her hand stopped rubbing your clit and she slowed down her strokes till she stilled, strap still bottomed out in you.

Maria grabbed your hair into a make shift ponytail and pulling you so your back met her front and her free hand came to wrap around your throat, gently applying pressure but it made your head spin.

"I said do I make you feel good slut?" Maria growled, nodding again but you spoke as best as you could with Maria's hand around your throat "y-yes s-so good, fuck! Please don't stop."

That seemed to be the right answer as within a second your pushed down on the mattress as Maria start pounding the toy into you with no mercy, determined to make you cum as soon as, and, as many times as possible.

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